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Free news and Quotes -
Stressed Out And Hungry At Work?
Are you stressed out at work? Do you have a hard time
saying no to the cookies, donuts and other goodies your
co-workers bring in? Here are a few suggestions you might
1) Don't eat lunch at your desk. At the least, walk
somewhere to get a salad or sandwich so you're conscious of
your eating. You'll be less likely to overindulge.
2) Take a brisk, if brief, walk at lunchtime to reduce your
stress levels and burn some calories.
3) If someone brings in goodies, don't take any leftovers
back to your desk. You won't be able to resist later in the
day, especially if the snack is handy and you can eat it in
privacy. If you eat the cookie or donut in the presence of
your coworkers, you'll likely to stop at just one.
4) Plan your lunches before noon of the day you're trying
to decide what to eat. It's better to plan your lunch menu
the weekend before, so you can go to the supermarket to get
the items on your list. Then, make your lunch at least
three times a week.
5) Choose foods you like -- and that are good for you. It
will be easier to face making your lunch if you have food
items to include that you actually enjoy eating.