Ok, let's examine the facts:
1. Five guys
2. Sing
3. Dance
4. Abnormally good-looking...

Alrightie! Well, I'm gonna have to say yes to the whole "boyband" label. Let's face it, they have the characteristics of one. But let's not think of this as a bad term. Hello! One of the most famous bands in history were considered a "boyband". Thank God for the Beatles! I love the Beatles, they wrote some amazing songs.

Ok, now we move into the 80's. Who on this earth could soon forget the New Kids On The Block? I won't. NKOTB were the first artists I ever saw in concert. I was 10, it was December 9th, 1990. I remember that day as if were yesterday instead of over 10 years ago. I will never forget the excitement of seeing them. Jordan was my favorite and my favorite song, I believe, was "Baby I Believe In You". I still have all of their cds, and the greatest hits album. It doesn't get any better than that.

Oh, wait....it does! I admit it, I was a BSB fan. Was, being the key word in that sentence. I still admire their talent and would never take that away from them, but I don't like their attitudes at all. They are always putting *Nsync down in some way. Whether it's directly or not. I think they're rude. I lost a lot of respect for them for their disrepectful comments. Not that I blame them for being intimidated.

*Nsync stands apart from the rest like a golden blade of grass. They are in the business for the love of the music, and it shows in every performance. I love hearing them sing (of course!) and talk in interviews. It's always fun cuz you never know what's gonna come out of their mouths. I respect them for not being 'puppets' and it's admirable the things the do for our society. Charity basketball games, The Justin Timberlake Foundation, and the various other charities and organizations they support. It's so wonderful that people of their status take the time to give back. I love them for that.

So, in answer to the question, "just another boyband"? Not a chance, They're one of a kind.

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