Just some Misc. stuff that I couldn't resist sharing with you. [Actually... I couldn't decide where to put them.] ;-)

Top Justin Moments (Dacey) -- Dacey has just awesome moments that she highlights here. I didn't have the web link, just the text, so here they are.
Things Learned from Celebrities :: JRT yahoo group: You girls rock. This list, I believe, is made up by Denise, check it out.

Quiz Results :: These are too fun to resist!! Here are my results to some wacky quizes...take them yourself!! :-)

Nsync Survery 1 :: This was fun...got admit!!
Nsync Survery 2 :: More fun questions...

A to Z List :: As if you needed a reason to love the guys in *Nsync... here are 26.

Celebrity: Concert Review :: Except for the speeding ticket I got on the way there...it was a GREAT day!! 4/9/02.

*Nsync and Richard Marx :: The boys get to work with some awesome people, Richard Marx is just one of them. I have been a Richard fan forever...this union is a remarkable combination of talent.

Justin and Britney :: Lots of media around these two, even if they're NOT together anymore. (goes to a new site)
The Girlfriends :: It was bound to happen girls!! Here's my take...
Just a Boyband? :: Should I even need to address this? No. But will I anyway? Of course.
Obsession Signs :: Some side effects of being *Nsync's #1 fan!! Do you suffer from the symptons?

A Tribute to the First Single of "CELEBRITY" :: Admit it... your foot still taps and your arms still wave in the air right at the opening cord!
*N*N's "CELELBRITY" page :: I still can't get over this album. If they keep getting better, I REALLY can't wait for a new one!!
What a Tour! PopOdyssey ROX! :: Honestly one of the best times I've ever had. God do these boys know how to put on a show!!

On The Line :: Although slammed big time by critics, I loved this movie. Way to go Lance and Joey!!

:: nsync ::