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The Call Video Shoot - Los Angeles, CA

We searched the streets of Los Angeles trying to find the location of the Video Shoot. We were on a mission and came up short Friday Night. But Saturday was a different story. My husband took my daughter and me down and he was the one who was successful.

We got there about 10pm and confirmed that Nick and Howie had already gone into the hotel to film a hotel scene. There was a lot of activity (people working on the shoot) as well as Christmas Parties going on at the hotel and people spilling into the street from that. One of the actors had come out on a break and was talking to us. He was dressed as a bellboy and people in the hotel kept asking him questions. LOL

About 1:30 am Romy showed up. I jumped in the car with her to show her where to park and so she wouldn't have to walk alone coming back. Well, as luck would have it, as soon as we drove off, Howie and Nick come out of the hotel! My husband said that Howie signed a couple autographs and took a couple pictures then left. He said he was in a hurry. But Nick was taking his time with everyone.

In the meantime, my daughter had run down the street yelling, "Mom, RUN!!" I saw and heard her and started running the 2 blocks back to the location. She said when Nick got to her he said, "Nice pants." LOL She was wearing blue Bubble Gum pants (a kinda leather looking material).

I finally arrived and am panting trying to catch my breath. He is standing right in front of me and I'm staring at his shirt! Then it hit me! I'm standing in front of Nick Carter! I must look up! He was so patient waiting for me to catch my breath. He just stood there waiting. I finally looked up at that beautiful face! *THUD*

Sherry - Nick - Alex

I took his hands in mine and said, "Thank you so much for waiting for me." He said, "It's OK. No problem." His voice was very, very soft. Then we briefly hugged. As you can see from the picture, he was wearing a green shirt (I had thought it was a yellow green but I guess it was the lighting) and you can see the sparkly stuff on the right. His long black leather coat reached his shins. He had on army pants that were tucked into black high-top combat boots. I gave him a black baseball hat that said "backstreet boys" and had the Burger King symbol on the side. I had bought it from one of the Burger King's during the Backstreet Project Promotion. Then I had him sign my Backstreet Comic Book. He is holding my daughter's Black & Blue CD in the picture which he signed for her. Then he also signed the Nick picture we had purchased at the Millennium tour (the blue one of him standing). I'll scan our signed things in later and post them.

By the way, my wonderful husband who asked Nick to wait for me also took the picture! Isn't he special? And my daughter told me that after the picture, Nick turned and smelled my hair! LOL. Don't know if I believe that or not. Perhaps he liked my perfume! LOL

Then his body guard said they had to go. He said bye, turned and left. By this time, Romy had finally walked up there. As he approached her on his way to the van, he asked her if she'd like a hug. They hugged. Then he dropped the hat. He picked it up to look at it. Hope he likes it!!

After they left, my husband decided to leave, too. But he returned 10 minutes later telling us he saw them at another location filming against a green screen. It was AJ, Howie and Nick there. But we decided to stay where we were because we were told Howie and Nick would be returning. Then they told us to move to the other side of the hotel because they would be filming with a car over there. So we walked through the hotel driveway to the other street.

Security made us move across the street because the car would be moving and it was a safety thing. We could see pretty well over there but none of my pictures turns out. They are using a 1940's black Mercury in the video that is primed and has been chopped (lead sled for those who know what that is).

Nick soon showed up and one of the production guys got in the car with him and was showing him how to drive it. Then Nick got behind the wheel and practiced. He backed it up about 20 feet and sped forward. I believe he had to stop on cue and was missing it because they had him do it many times. They finally had him get out of the car.

Finally, Howie came back. Nick started playing around with Howie's hair. LOL Then they went into the hotel. They walked out and got into the car, this time Howie in the driver's seat and Nick in the passenger's seat. They did this twice. Then after the second time, Nick started shaking the car. LOL Then he jumped out, looked at us across the street and yelled out, "That S-U-C-K-S!" Yes he spelled it. No profanity from those sweet lips! (yeah right) He threw his long coat open on the last S, laughed and walked around the back of the car. I thought it was pretty funny! Won't see that on the video!!

Then they went back inside the hotel to shoot some more. We walked back to the other side and found a place to sit.

Romy decided to try and move her car closer so Alex and her went to get it. About 10 minutes later she stops in front of me and instructs me to get in the car. We drove down to the other location my husband told us about. Howie had gone over there and was shooting another part with car against the green screen.

Howie getting hugged by a fan

We had to watch through a fence but we could see what was going on. The lights moved along the car giving the appearance of driving in traffic and then the door flung open and Howie folled out onto the ground. He did that many times until he got his ankle caught on the door and hurt his knee. The next time they just had the door open and he slumped out.

AJ came out and watched for a while but then went back into his trailer. When Howie was leaving, some girls called him over to the entrance and he said, "No, you come here. I'm in a hurry." LOL We all walked in people took some pictures. I was going to take this picture when another fan ran into the picture and hugged him. He looked surprised. LOL So I don't know who the girl is in the picture.

As you can see in the picture, Howie was wearing a dark red (maroon?) velvet? pants and a short black leather jacket. You can also see the red streak in his hair on the right by his neck.

After this we decided to go home. It was 5 am and we were tired!

After resting on Sunday, we decided to try and find them again. It was AJ's turn to shoot Sunday night and they were going to shoot at a street under another street street. Romy had gone early and found the location. I had a performance and couldn't go til later.

I found where she was. There were a few other fans there and we actually met another MFC member, Janelle, there.

Around 10, AJ showed up. He got his wardrobe and makeup done and at 11pm he came out to sign autographs. We had a big chain link fence between us.

AJ coming out of his trailer

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to sign everyone's things. He said he'd be back later but he never returned. But my daughter, who is a huge AJ fan, got her Black & Blue CD signed and a picture signed. So she's happy!

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