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Ah...the first experience into the world of Johnny No Name. A strange name, yes...but an even more unique individual, Johnny No Name hit the stage...and he hit it hard!! What a GREAT way to raise money for VH1's Save The Music. When I ran into AJ in Las Vegas we had a chance to discuss further adventures of Johnny...and how AJ thinks that Johnny is being too lazy right now and needs to work. So, AJ, you'd better get that boy's butt to work! =D

Earlier that day, my friend Diana and I had driven down to Hard Rock to check out AJ/JNN's press conference. We didn't get a good look at him...but we did get a preview of this outfit...amazing!! He should wear white more often!!

This outfit...he should never get rid of this outfit...

As you can read...I made Chinese Good Luck stars for the guys...and guess what??! I succeeded in giving Howie his!! It was amazing...probably a night I'll always remember...

That's one of the guys from EYC (whatever happened to them?) Anyway...

That other guy, the blond in the back? Hey, stop lookin at AJ's butt...LOL!! I'm trying to tell ya something!! Anyway, during Brickhouse he bent over and extended his hand and we danced for a whole was pretty cool!! But then AJ got a little crazy with his water bottle and we all ended up soaked!!

Ah, the emergence of THE Johnny No Name...

This is absolutely one of my MOST favorite pictures of him...that passion in his singing...those eyes...WOW!!!

Cuz he's bad to the bone...

White...again, a GREAT color on JNN & AJ...

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