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One thing I absolutely LOVE about Johnny...NO SUNGLASSES!! Now if only AJ wouldn't wear his all the time...I'd be a happy girl =)

Attack of the duck-lips!! YIKES!!

Mindy!! I miss Mindy... =/ And Tommy's back there too!! And Guy!!! I miss them...had a chance to speak with Guy Walker, Louie Vigilante, and Dennis Gallo in Las Vegas...GREAT GUYS AND A LOT OF FUN!!

This is when Johnny went Bye Bye and AJ came to say Hi Hi! Boy, was the crowd happy to see him without a shirt on!!

YAY!! AJ's "little buddy" came out on-stage with him...I was jumping up and down so much...I think I stepped on a few toes...ROFL!!

He was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME when I took this picture...darn that AJ called his attention over though, missed a GREAT SHOT!!

OMG that smile...OMG... =D =D =D

Umm...ok, lemme set-up this picture for you. This is when AJ made Howie recall times gone past...during the early years...when AJ did his run of pelvic thrusts...ya know, the "Band, hit me 1 time" thing? Well, I think this was during the 10 times... Now you may be wondering...why isn't Howie's head here??! Well, I gave the camera to my friend Diana so that she could take the picture...and she did, of AJ..poor Howie...there's nothin but pants...LOL!!!

And here it is, my pride and joy. Howie was no more than 4 feet away from me when I called his name to get his attention. He slowly walked over to me and I extended my hand with the star-jar in it. He took it, read the note attached, smiled, winked (of course) and said Thank You. He continued on his way down the stage and then went back to join Trey and the rest of the crowd. I was soooo excited that I barely remembered to take a picture...and this is what I got. This is when AJ thanked Howie for coming...and he HELD UP MY JAR!!! What an amazing thing...unfortunately though, when they did the curtain call he put it down...and I'm sure he never got it back again. Oh how I wish he still had it =/

And it's Mindi again...don't get me wrong...I like the new band...but I really miss the old guys... =(

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