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Oh My...those eyes are to Die For!!

Whoah, is it just me or does it look like Kevvy's trying to audition for Top Gun here? Go Maverick!

Our Millennium's "Man of Steel", Kevin Scott Richardson!

This outfit did a lot for can really see the definition in his arms and it really shows his broad shoulders

Kevvy's strutin' his stuff for Versace...and the stuff he has to strut ain't bad!

Wow, Kentucky sure has it's fair share of good lookin' men! I'm thinkin' about moving...hee hee

Lookin Pretty In Pink!! Really brings out the color of his eyes...and I think he's trying to smile!!

Ummm...ok, point me to the construction site that has a guy like this workin'!!

Stretchin' out after a hard day's work...don't mind me..just keep on stretchin' hee hee

Not a lot of men can pull of an all white outfit and look THIS stunning...

I see that there's room on this bike for 1 more...anyone want to jump on? Don't forget your helmet!

Lookin' suave and debonair, Mr. Richardson!

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