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Kevin Scott Richardson

AKA: Kevvy-Kev, Train, Boo, Pumpkin

Birthplace : Lexington, KY

Birthday: October 3, 1971 (Libra)

Siblings: Older brothers Gerald and Tim

Height: 6'

Favorite Food: Mexican, Asian (ooh...both good choices!)

Pastimes: Playing keyboards, waterskiing, swimming, surfing, basketball, hockey (wow...can we say sports enthusiast?)

Fav Songs on Millennium: "Don't Wanna Lose You Now", "Larger Than Life" (these boys really do like the song meant for us fans...isn't that great??)

Etc: Kevin was voted "Best Looking" in school and was captain of the football team.

Notable quotes:

"I'm a shy guy, and sometimes I think too much about what I'm going to say to somebody or what they are going to think."

"I'm dating someone right now. I've known her for seven years and she really means a lot to me, so we'll see what happens." - well, we don't need to see what happens anymore...congratulations to Kevin and Kristin Richardson!

"When I'm stressing out and thinking about something, I pick up a rag and start cleaning. I used to clean toilets for my father. He ran a summer camp, so I mopped and swept floors. I have no problem with getting down and cleaning up. I'm a neat freak. I can't stand clutter being left around."

"Well, we got this deadline over here, and release this single, and we got to shoot this video, and we got this tour booked, and we can't postpone it, because if we postpone it, we're gonna lose momentum. We're trying to break it to the U.S., etc., etc." And when I saw him after he got operated on, walking down the hallway with a friggin' IV hooked up to him, that opened my eyes. Yeah. It made me realize what's important. And if you don't have your health, and your family and your happiness, your career don't mean sh**." - tell it like it is Kevvy!!

"Well, we want to have a balance, you know. We don't want to end up on "Storytellers," all screwed up in 15, 20 years. We want to be in this business for a long time. We want to be writers, producers, label owners, whatever. We've learned a lot, and we want to be healthy and happy, and you have to have a balance."

"We'd be in the booth, all five of us, trying to cut these vocals. And Brian and Nick are, like, smacking each other." - about making their first album when Nick was only a young lad of 13

"We're in the rain, baring our chests. We didn't want the U.S.'s first images of us to be this beefcake thing. We got in an argument with Jive, and they didn't want to spend the money." - Quit Playing Games with my Heart video

What the Boys say about Kevin: (source Starlog Celebrity Series #20)

Can you remember the first time you met Kevin?

AJ: It was at a club called Celebrity. Lou Pearlman brought him to hear me, Howie, and Nick sing. He was wearing a white polka dot shirt, jeans and a pair of combat boots with his hair slicked back! After the show, we went back to Lou's house to get to know each other We all started singing together the next day. It was kind of a shock!

Nick: It was strange. He's quite a lot older than we are, and he seemed very mature. I was only 13 and he was 21. I liked him.

What's Kevin's favorite word?

AJ: He says "whassup" all the time for absolutely no reason at all!

What does Kevin bring to BSB?

Brian: He brings a more serious side to us. He always keeps one eye on the future. He likes everything to be perfect and strives for that while everyone else just goes with the flow. We're the perfect mixture. We balance each other out.

How do you know when Kevin's in a bad mood?

Brian: Kevin's not all that big on expression. He's pretty hard to read when it comes to his emotions, but I think being his cousin makes it easier for me. I can tell form the first comment he makes in the morning whether he's gonna have a good day or not. I guess that goes for all of us, especially when we don't get a good night's sleep. It's difficult being around each other so much sometimes.

Does he ever annoy you?

Nick: He's too serious sometimes. He thinks too much while we're trying to have fun, but we've all got different personalities.

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