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I think this is when she was singing "Irrestible"...I liked the song...but KIIS FM has a tendancy to play songs into the ground...


This is Rick Dees with Britney Spears. I didn't recognize her AT ALL because of all that hair...and those bangs!

The people onstage with them were contest winners to win $1,000,000. None of them won...

YA-HOO!!! The Boys have made their appearance!!! Now, be camera doesn't like the dark, it DEFINITELY LOVES the don't be too disappointed at some of these pics, k? Sit back and enjoy...

You have to give it up to Nick for always finding the strangest thing to put on his head...heehee

I wonder if Howie made sure he wore his favorite color jersey?

Ummm...Nick, you setting up for a ninja-kick or somethin?

Kevin's just sorta sauntering over...showin ya'll his BEAUTIFUL arms!!!

Brian has been SOOOO HAPPY these past couple of shows...a smile usually graces his beautiful face almost all the time!!! He looks so darn happy...GOOD FOR HIM!!!

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