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They're so tiny!! LOL!!

AH, again with the guys should know how happy those make me!! =)

Oops...they shrunk

I tried to get a picture of both the "real thing" and the screen...that way it would look like I was really there...heehee

Nick was one of the first ones to walk over to our side of the stage...but he didn't venture over as far as some of the other acts did.

What a cutie!!!

Wow!! Howie looks kinda tall in the picture...cuz Nick's behind him and they're almost the same height...

What is with Nick and the screen-shots?? LOL!! Where'd Howie go??

Here comes Brian...walkin down our way of the stage...

AHA!! The first semblence of Howie on the screen!! But the darn guy put his arm up in front of his face...maybe he's not ready for his close-up yet... ;-)

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