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Screen shot of all 5 guys...

This is when Kevin congratulated Los Angeles and the Lakers for taking the championship again. And also when he ratted on Nick for not cheerin on the Lakers...LMAO!!!

They shed their Laker-wear to reveal outfits from the last leg of the tour...I think. LOL!! They ended up autographing the Laker Jerseys and throwing them out into the crowd...LUCKY PEOPLE!!!

Let the screen-shots begin!!

Here's Nick again...anyone keeping track?? ;-)

Ummm...that's Brian on the left...but who's on the right? Is that AJ? Nick drinking water or does he have 2 microphones?

Brian always had a little smile during the performance...sorta makes your heart "happy" doesn't it?

OOH!! Here comes Howie!!! He walked over to our side of the stage for a little bit...I was a happy girl!!

And darn, there he goes...hope I didn't scare him off ;-)

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