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Alright, so it's a little can blame the good people at my work...they're suggestions were WRONG!!! No matter what...ALWAYS use flash for concerts!!!! Only 24 pictures out of 3 rolls came out...otherwise the pictures would have been amazing...I had 15th row seats!!!!! =(

Ooh look, a "baby" Howie and a Big Howie!

hey, who put her hands on Howie??! ;-)

Yikes!! Nick has SCARY eyes here!!

Out of all of them, I think Kevin looked the best in this outfit...something about white and long coats on this guy...WOW!!

And here again, is the revisiting of the "blurry" monster...courtesy, again, from people at work...

Doesn't it look like they're bidding on something??! LOL!!

AJ's tryin to fly away...

::sigh:: I would have had so many pictures of these guys that were amazing from the bridge...I was so close that I actually had to BACK UP to take pictures! LOL!! But, again...when you have no flash on and the boys move...well, your pictures just turn out with well-colored streaks =/

One of the very few close up pictures...I wish the others turned out!!!!

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