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Club Tabu: July 23rd, 2000

This is it...the part of the MFC Convention 2000 that I was looking MOST forward to..."Howie Night" at Club Tabu on 46 North Orange Avenue, Downtown Orlando (407) 648-8363. This was the opening night of "Latin Night" at the club and we were in for 2 GREAT performances by Pollanna Dorough and Howie.

Pollyanna's Performance:

She performed 4 songs, 1 of which was in honor of her sister Caroline called "Fly to Heaven". It is a very beautiful song in tribute to Caroline's life and the years that she graced this earth with her presence. The Dorough family is helping to find the cure to Lupus with the Cochran-Dorough Lupus Foundation. Best Wishes to Pollyanna for a successful career!!

You could feel the excitement in the air...once Pollyanna left the stage the crowd on the dance floor seemed to surge forward. We all knew what was coming and the atmosphere was buzzing...where's Howie???!

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