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BSBHideaway's Castaway Profile

Every-so-often a visitor to the BSBHideaway will be selected and featured as the "BSBHideaway's Castaway".

Name: Monica

Screenname(s): AOL: BSBgurlMica, Mica1331. Kiwibox: AJBrokGurl4eva

Email(if you feel so inclined): Of course I feel inclined!! I luv 2 get emails from BSB fans, so ppl email me!!

Nicknames: Mica, Mons, Monic

Who is/are your favorite Boy(s) and why: AJ MCLEAN!! Now honestly, have you ever heard a voice like that?? It's amazing, he gives me chills when I listen to him!! He's so spontaneous and crazy and that's what I luv about him.

Favorite BSB Song(can name up to 3): If You Knew What I Knew!! That is THE best song I have ever heard in my life!! It's absolutely amazing!! Just like AJ's voice, it gives me chills!! And since AJ wrote it, it makes it even better!! I also love 10,000 Promises and Like A Child.

If you could say ONE thing to a NON-BSB fan to try to get them to "converted" what would you say?: If you wanna listen to some REAL talent.......and there's no way you can tell me that you don't at least like SOMETHING about them, or you would be lying!

If you could play/sing ONE song for your favorite Boy what would it be(artist/song title)?: No One Else Comes Close to AJ!!! Or I Turn To You by Christina Aguilera to all of em, because seriously, they help me!!

How many times have you seen BSB? in person: Never!! I know this makes me sound like the most un-BSB thing ever, but I've never seen them in concert, but I'm still a huge fan!!! I have sad concert tix stories........

Do you read/write fanfic?: Sometimes, cause some of those ppl are really talented writers!!

Quote (anything, your own, someone else's): Have a good flight, a good night, godspeed, god bless, and always, you can kiss my ass!! (good ol AJ on Diary) And ofcourse, Rok says the sweetest things in the world!! No man is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry.

Here's Monica's Favorite picture of her Favorite Backstreet Boy!!!

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