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RomyD's BSB Hideaway

Backstreet Boys in Star

Dec 13th 2000

submitted by ChrisC (

To celebrate the launch of the new album Black & Blue, Backstreet Boys decided to tackle a feat that no other boy band had ever attempted before - they travelled around six continents in just 100 hours. The promotional trip put Westlife's 39 hour promotional trip around the UK to shame - Nick, Howie, Kevin, AJ and Brian flew 26,000 miles, spending more than 55 hours in the air and 45 hours on the round. As part of the whirlwind promotional trip, they guys took in Asia (Tokyo), Australasia(Sydney), Africa(Cape Town), South America (Rio de Janeiro) and North America (New York City) and STAR went along for the ride.

On November 17th, just after the MTV Europe Music Awards, Backstreet Boys boarded their private, chartered, Boeing 767 jet in Stockholm and headed off on the mammoth four-day journey. And luckily for the lads, they were travelling in real style. Their glamorous plane had leather-walled toilets, a 40 foot lounge with a state of the art stereo and DVD player (showing some of the guys' favourite movies, from A Bug's life to The Matrix) and everything from the taps to seat belt fastenings was gold-plated. "We've never travelled in this kind of luxury before", explained Howie. "It's a shame we can only afford this for four days!" And the lads didn't have to worry about going hungry on the trip either. "We have silver service and the most delicious food served up by a personal chef." Smile AJ, who was sitting at a 16-seater dining room table. The BSB chef could cook up anything the lads desired, from salmon or sushi to pizza or pasta.

The boys' jet was flown by Captain Danny Burke, the pilot who used to fly Elvis Presley around by private jet - very rock'n'roll! The plane was also equipped with a spacious bedroom, complete with vibrating double bed, 442 TV screen and a wardrobe full of black and blue clothes. However, AJ revealed that there's one member of the band he wouldn't be borrowing. "I'd never borrow Kevin's clothes." He laughed. "If I were to borrow something, he'd be like, "Yeah, just don't crease it, don't lose it, don't spill anything down the front...! argh"

The second stop on the trip was a welcome return to Asia after a four year absence - Tokyo! In fact, some of the fans were so excited about the band's arrival by boat, they'd been camped out since 5 am. After the lads serenaded the thousands of fans with Shape of my Heart from the deck of the boat, Nick revealed he was knocked out by the fans' dedication. "This is amazing, considering we haven't been here for four years." He explained. "To see the fans' response and know they still love us is fantastic. It's a shame we can't stay any longer!" Kevin also revealed that meeting with their fans is something all of the band take very seriously. "It's important to us to talk with them," he said. "We have so much seccess because of them."

Next stop 3.30 pm at the Venus Fort Shopping Mall, where the lads held a press conference - following a ferocious mock fight between two samurai swordsmen - and Nick showed off his Japanese-influenced tattoos (much to the delight of the gathered fans). But there was no time for the boys to relax - they had a strict schedule to stick to, and four more continents to get through.

Being members of one of the world's biggest-selling boy bands, it's a wonder that the travelling and manic schedules don't become too much for the guys. But, according to Howie, that's just not the case. "I love to work," he enthused. "This is my life and I couldn't imagine doing anything else." AJ, for one, can't get enough of this travelling lark. "I love travelling - seeing different people and different cultures. Everything is so different."

Next stop was Sydney - the boys' first visit to Australia since 1996. They arrived in style on board an open-top double-decker bus at the Pitt Street Mall, and were greeted by more than 5,000 delighted fans. Once again, they serenaded onlookers with an a capella version of their single, and were even watched by actress, Melissa Joan Hart, a friend of the band, who was in the country to shoot her new movie. The lads then went on an early morning photo shoot at North Bondi Surf Lifesaving Club on Bondi Beach. They were presented with personalised surf boards and Speedo trunks!

Unfortunately, the guys didn't fancy whipping off their kecks and trying the Speedos on for size - Damn!

Being around the boys for any length of time, it's obvious that they get on really well, even when they have to spend every single day together. But as AJ revealed, this hasn't always been the case. "I suppose friction can happen between Nick and Kevin because there's such a big age gap." He muses. "They have different views on things, but it was worse when Nick was younger. There were arguments about all sorts of things - what tp wear, what music to play, what football team was best...but it never came to blows, thank goodness!" And Kevin's quick to agree that things aren't always rosy in the Backstreet camp. "We don't get on like angels all the time, but it's healthy to argue. It's when you keep it all in that the problems start."

When the lads landed in Cape Town after a 16 hour-long journey from Sydney, the last thing they expected to come face-to-face with at the press conference was fully-grown Cheetah. The animal was led into the Villa via Hotel on Grainger Bay, where the lads held yet another conference. Luckily for them the cheetah was tame, although Nick admitted he lost his cool for a second: "It scared the hell out of me!" he laughed. The shock must have loosened their tongues, as both Nick and AJ revealed that they are now single, having split with their long-term girlfriends. "It came to a point where I didn't want the responsibility - you know, always having to call," explained Nick of his split with girlfriend Mandi. "I needed to concentrate on the group and the album. Relationships are beautiful, but sometimes they can cause a lot of stress! It's not necessarily anyone's fault; it's just the way relationships are." AJ also revealed that, due to both of their schedules, he hasn't really spoken to his ex Amanda since the break. "She's now seeing someone else." Not a day goes by when I'm now thinking about the break-up," he says, "but it's better not to talk to her, ' cos it makes it easier that way!" After just 5 hours in Cape Town, there was no more time for heart to hearts, and the boys were airborne again and on their way to Rio.

An estimated 45,000 fans turned up to watch Backstreet Boys perform a medley of a capella hits on the fourth floor terrace balcony of Le Meredien Hotel. But the real drama happened when, during the set, Kevin terrified Security guards by clambering onto scaffolding and swinging over the crowd, who were 100 feet below on Copacabana Beach. (What was he thinking, and what about his damaged knee? - UK Correspondent.) "I had to turn away," recalled Brian after the show. "I'm scared of heights and wanted to lie down on the ground when I saw Kevin climb up there!" Otherwise, the performance went without a hitch and the boys sang note-perfect.


At 3 am on Tuesday morning, the guys set off on the final part of the journey and headed for the city that never sleeps (Oh yeah? Try getting a bite to eat on Lexington Avenue at 2 in the morning"! - UK Correspondent.) - New York. They touched down at 10.30 am local time, after an eventful flight in which AJ and Kevin took control of the plane. A convoy of 11 blacked-out vans swept the boys and their entourage straight to the final press conference, where they announced the details of their world tour, kicking off in Florida in January and coming to Europe in June.

There's no doubt about it: Backstreet boys have reached an amazingly high level of fame. But how do they handle it? "I don't know. You become accustomed to it over the years, so you don't really think about it!" Nick told us. "This is all I've known for five years. We've adapted gradually, so it doesn't seem like something to be coped with. It just feels like life - a pretty strange life at times!" And there are plenty of things left that the boys, as individuals, want to achieve. AJ even admits that he wants to go to college. "But I'll be 30 before that happens!" he laughs.

After the mammoth trip was over, the guys could finally relax and look forward to what the future holds, a future that many critics are quick to write off! "I'd say we'll be around for a long time. By that, I mean the next 20 years or so." predicts Brian. "Of course, by then, people should have stopped calling us a boy band!" Cousin Kevin agrees. "I think we have a lot more to offer, way beyond our new album, Black & blue. Don't worry, readers - we're not going anywhere!"

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