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RomyD's BSB Hideaway

News & Reviews

Every once in a while I get the opportunity to do some great BSB observing and then I delight (more like bore cuz they aren't BSB fans) all of my friends with my informative "manifestos", explaining almost everything to intricate detail. I thought that you guys may want to read a few of these and find out how crazy I can be sometimes :-)

The Grammy's 2000

Johnny No Name - March 27th, 2000

Mature Fan Club Convention 2000 - Orlando, FL - Picture Review

The Call - Video Shoot Manifesto!! **Pictures**

The Call - Continued...with things that couldn't be posted before premier!!

Coffee with Howie

AJ Encounter - 3/8/2001, Vegas

Then comes the News section...a portion that will probably be a tad bit outdated but will still have some great information (hopefully)...take a gander at the latest information!

Backstreet Boys Fans 'Have It Their Way' at Burger King (8/20/00)

Stan Lee Media to Launch Backstreet Boys Franchise At Hard Rock Live in Orlando On Aug. 27 (8/21/00)

Sweden's Cheiron studio to close STOCKHOLM, Sweden (Reuters) (8/23/00)

It's True! The new single is amazing! Here are the lyrics so that you can memorize all the beautiful words!

Littrell/Wallace Atlanta Wedding, Saturday, September 2nd (9/05/00)

**Backstreet Boy Takes Atlanta Bride**

Backstreet Boys in Star from UK Correspondent (12/13/00)


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