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The Call: Continued...

You thought it was done, didn't you?? LOL!! Nope, not quite...yet another installment of my adventures with "The Call" video shoot!! This one is slightly different than the other one actual boys...but it's hilarious nonetheless!!!!

A friend of mine let me know that they were supposed to wrap up shooting on Wednesday night, so I called my friend Heather and asked her if she wanted to go. I wasn't sure if anyone was supposed to be there or not...and since she missed out on meeting the boys the weekend previously I wanted to give her a least a chance of seeing them again. So, off we went. We drove around downtown LA and looked at the sites that they had shot at previously and nothing was up...base camp was torn down. So I proceeded to drive to the spot that we watched AJ film his scene...and there they were...a couple of trailers and a few people. After talking with a few of them we found out that the boys were done, in fact, Howie had already left for the Lupus Cruise, and it was just their stunt-doubles shooting all the stuntwork that was put into this amazing video.

I looked over and saw 2 that looked amazingly like Howie (from far away...he had the exact same clothes on as him, same hair (wig) but when he turned around he looked NOTHING like him!) and someone wearing an awful blond wig, and it was Nick's stunt double. Then he turned around...will someone tell me what's wrong with this picture??

Nick's stunt double...ROFL!!!

Yes, Nick's stunt-double has a HUGE black mustache!!!! Oh, and that jacket he's wearing?? Found out a little later on that he is actually wearing the jacket that Nick wore a couple nights before. He later explained that all the camera needed to see was a flash of blond hair and the jacket, driving the car, and stopping right before he hit the wall.

We also met Kevin's stunt-double...Brandon. It was almost eerie how much he reminded us of the actual Kevin Richardson. Sure, he was wearing a wig and a fake mustache...but he was actually carrying around the same video camera that Kevin always totes around with him! He actually filmed us while we were taking pictures with them! It was sorta funny!!

Do you see the "Nick" guy in the back?? Notice his mischievious expression??!

HELP!!! I was attacked by a man with a bad wig!!! ROFLMAO!!!

Shortly after this picture was taken, Amanda and Kelly asked if I would take a picture of them with the "Nick" guy because, as they affectionately put it, "you got molested by him". ROFL!!! So, I took the pictures...and I also took some pictures of Heather with "Kevin" and "Nick".

Now, why is he all nice and calm with everyone else?!??!

Heather and Kelly were brave enough to ask the crew if we could take a picture in front of the car that was used for the video. Now, mind's like 2 in the morning and I'm sure the crew was wondering why, on earth, are these 4 girls out here when the Backstreet Boys aren't even here?!??!?!

Wanna know why we stayed til 5?!??!?! Because the producer, a REALLY nice guy who stood around and talked with us for 45 minutes about the concept of the video (he told us that Howie was going to be the girl...and about the whole mask thing...Heather and I just about died!!! Why did Howie have to be the girl?!??!) and behind the scene action, promised that if we stayed...til the very end...we would walk away with 4 posters from the actual video shoot!!!! So, of course, we stayed!! We were able to watch much of the stunt work, including the "bad girl" running and jumping, "Kevin" jumping, "Nick" driving the car, and "Howie" jumping out of the car.

Finally, at 5 in the morning...the crew started breaking down the equipment. During our "downtime" while watching them film the scenes we had gone through the posters on the wall and tried to pick out the best ones...we had our favorites picked out already...but the crew started inspecting each one and tearing them down, one by one from random places on the wall. The crewman walked over and handed us our final seems that the crew actually looked at each of our 4 posters to pick out the best ones for us. How sweet is that??!?! He also told us that we should feel special for owning these...because they aren't posters at all, they are actual pictures that they had blown up especially for the video, each one costing at least $50-$75 a piece!!! And, at the time, we were the only 4 girls who have these "posters" in our posession.

So, there ya have it!! My final adventure installment from "The Call" video shoot. I was able to watch some scenes being shot, able to hug Nick, wave to Howie, and meet AJ. And also meet "Nick" and "Kevin"...ROFL!! And...the best thing...take a piece of the video home with me! Thanks for sharing in my adventures...I hope to post something else as equally, or more so, exciting in the near future!!!

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