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     If Shawn hadn't adopted his stage name, it would have been a mouthful for us to have had addressed him by his real name. He was born Yang Mulia Tengku Shamsul bin Yang Mulia Tengku Sulaiman. We're talking blueblood here.
Born on October 2 1973 in Kuala Terengganu, his most significant (and abruptly halted) educational achievement is graduating from the University of Luton, Bedfordshire in the United Kingdom.
His fave dishes are Char Kuey Tiow and apple juice and Diet Coke, though I suspect not all together. Favourite colours are black and blue. And he's into latin pop and R&B...or so he says, as he failed to mention that he definitely without a doubt, has a distinct and undying unprofessed love for club music.
His influences vary, like the colour of his hair lately. Foreign acts he's into include Luis Miguel, Mariah Carey, Luther Vandross, Christina Aguilera...and lately Toni Braxton due to her latest release. Local acts which inspire him include Sudirman, Anita Sarawak (Shawn is ever so envious of her platinum hairdo), Ziana Zain and her sibling, Anuar Zain.
      If you wanna stalk Shawn, here's the lowdown on him. He drives a Proton Putra and i currently staying somewhere in Jalan Ipoh. Your best chances of catching him in person apart from his appearances, would be (I did not tell you this), top dance clubs (I can mention Movement, the rest you find out on your own). Bintang Walk would also be a good bet to catch him. Try coffee joints.


The picture above was taken, on my first ever meeting with Shawn. I did quickly set up an interview with Shawn for later, but took an opportunity to get my photographer to get a couple of shots of him. I first met him at the launching of Planet Hollywood Kuala Lumpur Oct 2 1998, where he performed that night, which ironically enough, coincided with his birthday. If you see closely, he's holding something in his hands...that's my business card.