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VEGETABLES Names of vegetables in English, Russian and Marathi.

Овощи : Как их зовут - по русски, по английски, по маратхи ?

Russian Songs and Poems : Русские песни и стихи

Snow Covered White Birch Tree Belaya Biryoza.
Берёза : Белая берёза под моим окном

Song of Smile Ulibka.
Улыбка : От улыбки хмурый день светлей

Poem of Months Otkrivaem Kalinder.
Стихи о Месяцах : Открываем календарь.

Song of Song : Pyesnya Ligko Na Serdtse.
Песня : Легко на сердце от песни весёлой.

Sky Blue Train Galuboi Wagon : Medlenna Minuti.
Голубой Вагон : Медленно минуты уплывают в дал.

Evenings at the outskirts of Moscow Pod Moscowniye Vechira.
Под Московные Вечера : Не слышны в соду даже шорохи

Русские песни Russian Folk Songs.

Russian Pop Music Online videos are available on You Tube. Please search with the keywords like Russian Pop, Russian Music.
Русская поп-музыка

The National Anthems : Национальние гимны

Россия    Россия - священная наша держава
Russia - our sacred state

Украйна    Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля
Ukraine's glory hasn't perished

Индия    Джана гана мана адхинайк джай хэ
India : Jana gana mana adhinayak jaya he

Webpages of Beginner's Level :

Russian Typesetting How to adjust the computer for Russian Alphabet?
Could you read the Russian words properly? Please tune up your computer for Russian, if you see question marks or strange characters.

Alphabet Russian alphabet in print form.

Crossword Puzzle From the Wall Magazine. (Solution on Sheet 2).

Hello, How are you? How to say it in Russian?

Grammar Data Chart of Cases N G D A I P.

Basic Vocabulary Russian to English and English to Russian.
Sheet 1 has Russian Alphabetic Order. Sheet 2 has English Alphabetic Order. The Italics Command gives alternative set of letters. Please select Russian words and give Italics Command to get handwritten script.

Vegetables Names of vegetables in English, Russian and Marathi.
Овощи : Как их зовут - по русски, по английски, по маратхи ?

Useful Websites :

Russian Fonts with Phonetic Keyboard

Russian Translation

Lingua Russian

Online Textbook

Russian through German Deutsche Webseite

Russian Cultural Centre

Multimedia Palace Gif Animations, Flash Animations.

Proverbs : Пословицы

Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
All is well, that ends well.

Время не ждёт.
Time waits for none.

Время деньги.
Time is money.

Рим не строился в один день.
Rome was not built in a day.

Где хоченье, там и уменье.
Where there is a will, there is a way.

Your Own Homepage, free web site submission and promotion to the search engines

(1) Contact Address : Anand Ghodki, 5 Indira Sahniwas, Near Mata Mandir, Dharampeth, Nagpur (Maharashtra State), 440010. (2) Alma Mater : Department of Linguistics, Foreign and Indian Languages, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Dr. V. B. Kolte Library Building, North Ambazari Road, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur, (Maharashtra State), 440010.

December 2011.