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Want to know what's happening with Vanessa's new album or if she is going to be doing any gigs near you? Well you've come to the right place. Here you can get all the latest goss on your fav singer.

2nd December 2003

In just 39 days I'm going to see Vanessa at Twintowns (again!!!) on the 9th and 10th of Jan.

More photos to add!

5th October 2003

Hey kids,

Well Vanessa's gonna be doing a spot of touring in the next couple of months so if you're in the neighbour hood why not check her out (cos why the hell wouldn't you?). Dates are:

Oct 18, Barooga (aka woop-woop)
Nov 7, Melbourne 
Nov 29, Mildura 
Dec 15, Adelaide 
Feb 7, Sydney 

Also Vanessa, along with a host of other celebrities, is supporting CARE Australia's World Hunger Campaign. Building on the United Nations World Food Day (Thursday 16 October), the World Hunger Campaign has been developed by CARE Australia to fight hunger and malnutrition. For more information on how you can contribute to Care Week, log onto 

Remember to keep checking out Vanessa's Offical Site and the Amorosi Forum

20th August 2003

From the pic above it would appear that V had an awesome birthday, just as she deserves and she is looking as amazing as ever. Congrats V on turning 22...I can't believe it to be honest. It seems like just yesterday you had appeared on the scene and now your all grown up *tear* lol....haha!
V was also honoured recently for her work with music and children. The Centenary Medal came as a surprise top Vanessa and she said, "I'm completely stunned. You don't really do your work thinking that you will win these sorts of honours. It will certainly look quite prestigious alongside the more music-oriented awards at home. I'm just thrilled and humbled to receive it". Good on ya Ness, there couldn't be a more deserving recipient.

Also I recently received a letter in the mail for me to nominate someone for Aussie Of The Year and I instantly decided on V, so if you would like to do the same pls go to:

Don't forget to check out the Vanessa Message Boards!!!

5th August 2003

Well first off I have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to V for this coming Friday. I hope you have an awesome one Ness, with your family and friends (that includes all animals great and small)! 

Well it may seems to be "very very quiet" (said in the great words of Elma Fudd), but as it says on V's official site: silence is no cause for alarm. Infact this time around its cause of celebration as V is hard at work in the studio whipping up some new tunes to blissfully fill our ears once again with her ever amazing voice. As posted on the official site Vanessa has said, "Please tell everyone I haven't forgotten about them. I have simply been putting a lot of effort into writing and planning my direction for the next 12 months, which are very important in the scheme of things". She went on to say "I'm sure once everyone hears what I have in store, they'll agree its been worth the wait".   So kiddies no need to worry, our Ness is gonna be back very soon and ready to hit Oz with a new line of songs that I'm sure will blow fans and critics away.

Remember to keep your eyes on the official site for the latest info!

25th June 2003

Long time no info I know, okay really really really long time no info. I'm sorry, I've been so busy and just haven't got around to it, plus there wasn't anything that interesting to tell you about until now!
July 1st V will be returning to the studio to record her NEW AUSSIE ALBUM! I know it's been a long wait, but I promise you it will be worth it...Ness' is coming back better then ever.
Also there actually starting to get the V Electric Fan Club up and running so if ur interested could you please email Craig and send him the answer to the following questions:

1)      Name:
2)      Country:
3)      Email:
4)      Your age:
5)      Are you interested in joining Vanessa's Electric Fan Club?: 
6)      Why/Why not?:
7)      Do you know others who would be interested in joining?  If 
so, how many:
8)      Any comments/suggestions:

Also don't forget to check out Vanessa's offical site in the diary section for all the info on where Ness is gonna be next!

21st April 2003

I'm soooooo sorry for the lack of updates. I've been really busy with school and I haven't had much time at all, but I have returned with a new review from the Twintowns gig and pictures too!!!
The pix turned out great, Ness looks awesome (as per-usual).
The Twintowns gig was amazing and Ness was, well I don't think any words could really describe it, they would just be an understatement. She was incredible to say the least, but read the review and find out about all the Ness shenanigans that took place. Ah....what fun :)

Anyways guys keep rocking and supporting V (not that I need to tell you that) and I will update again very soon, I promise!

9th March 2003

Well in just 2 wks I'm going to be seeing Vanessa Twintowns. I've got my ticket and I'm so amped about it.
I also got Change today, so I've got 2 wks to learn it word for word...should be no prob seeing as I can't stop playing it. I have to thank Amber and Sarah for making me a proud owner of it! 
Guys if u don't have a copy goto your cd shop and import or buy it now!!!
I will be getting new pics up once I've seen Ness and a new encounter.
Keep checking back!

21st Febuary 2003

The Maroocyhdore pictures are finally....FINALLY up!!!
I am so sorry, that it has taken me ages to get em up and I hope you guys forgive me, I feel really terrible about it. I hope you like them and you're not disappointed!

Check em out!

16th Febuary 2003

Vanessa's next European single will be "True To Yourself" and will be a one track single. The single will be released on the 27th of Febuary.
Also Vanessa was on ABC news on a special called An Evening With Fred Hollows. Vanessa sung to songs, "Have A Look" and "Tent By The Sea".

Pictures from Maroocyhdore instore coming!!!

18th January 2003

Being the caring person V is, she has just done a very special appearance for the kids at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. But it wasn't just Vanessa, but also, everyone's favourite Sesame Street character Elmo. They entertained the kids in the Starlight room on the 15th of this month. I'm sure it was a fantastic day for both the patience and V!!!


Today and tomorrow Vanessa is in Perth doing a special performance with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra.........I'm sure it will be a breathe taking experience for all those there to witness it!


Don't forget, if your in Melbourne,  Vanessa will be performing at the Melbourne International Music and Blues Festival. We all know V is a big fan of the blues and for those who have heard her sing it, well no words could explain it. Don't miss it!!! 

17th January 2003

Hmmm...well sorry about the lack of updates, though that maybe because there is nothing to update on!
I've re-written a few of the gig reviews as they were getting some slack from certain fans.
Look guys unless you run a site yourself on Vanessa please don't start putting down this site.
It takes up a lot of time and to find the info in takes so much, you have no idea (hence the reason David gave up on his site because he didn't have the time).
Anyway you will have new pictures up soon, very exciting, and I'm going to start scanning some articles and putting them on the site. I'll put my favourites up.

1st January 2003

Sorry guys for the lack of updates, I've just been busy lately!
Well as you would all know Change has been released in Germany and you can order your copy of it from your local record store. It will probably cost around $50 for import fees tho.
Hmmm.....well it's a new year and I can't really say that the past year has been that great for our V, but I'm sure this year will be awesome. With the album being released in March and hopefully a new single very soon I'm sure with our support V can rock Australia once again.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas and rocked out last night for New Years......lets make this year an awesome one!

1st December 2002

V's in this months TV Hits mag and also here is the chat transcript from


24th Novemeber 2002

Vanessa is in this months issue of Smash Hits, with a full page article on what Vanessa loves.
It's a really cool article.

22nd Novemeber 2002

Spin is down this week to number 42!!!
Guys we NEED to get V up and in atleast the top 20.........i know we can do it!
Also Vanessa did an online chat at the other night and if you missed it keep checking back at the HUGEmusic website for when the post it up.
Also don't miss Vanessa next Thursday night on 'This Is Your Life' because she will be appearing as a guest, the best guess is that Jack or Mark will be getting the 'This Is Your Life' suprise! :D

4th November 2002

Spin hit the Aria Charts this week at number 34, which is ok, but guys I know that we can get her so much higher!!!
So let's get our arses into gear and start voting, requesting and buying Spin!

29th October 2002

I've got so much to tell you and I don't know where to begin. 
Ok well I saw Vanessa 2 days ago at Maroocyhdore, I was a lil sad to find out that the other gigs had been cancelled, but I'm sure Vanessa will make up for it. I have written out a review of the gig and you can check it out in the encounters section on the site. Vanessaa fricken rawked tho!!! Pictures from the gig will be up very soon!


Ok well also as you probably know Spin (everybody's doin' it) was released yesterday and you all have to go out and buy yourself a copy, because we all want to see V do well on the charts once again. Also guys start requestind and voting for it like crazy cos Vanessa really deserves another hit.
I'm trying to get the to put Spin on there voting list and to do that you have to e-mail the webmistress, co do u rekon all you guys could e-mail her to? 

One of the major problems Spin might have getting high in the charts and trying to get the number 1 spot is the fact that Avril Lavigne's new single "Sk8er Boi" is also out so the race is really on.
Also when buying your copy of Spin make sure you buy it from a shop that the sale of the single counts to the Aria charts. Here is a list of the store:
You can also go to to see the Spin video!


Also V preformed at the Farmhand Drought Appeal Concert the other night, where she preformed "Sometimes Happiness" and she was absolutely awesome. And also she was on Channel [V] on Friday afternoon and I even got the chance to speak to her on the phone. I asked her who is her favourite out of her pets and her reply was "I don't have a favourite"!

As for the next single to be released the two choices are "Turn Up The Heat" or "Follow Me". I've heard a little bit of "Turn up the Heat" and it rawks and I've been told by David that "Follow Me" is also awesome so I can't wait to see what's released next.


Melbourne and Sydney fans will also be able to catch up with Vanessa. 

29th October - Bali Tragedy Memorial Event 
12.30PM Myer Music Bowl Melbourne. 'Victorians Together'. Free entry.

30th October - Pepsi Live - 7pm 
City LIVE at Fox Studios Austraila 
(Cnr Bent Street & Erroll Flynn Blvde, Moore Park. Enter via Lang Road,
parking available Wilson Car Park Erroll Flynn Blvde).
Over 18's Only

Also other TV and online chat dates:

30th October 2002 - Good Morning Australia 

2nd November 2002 - The Drum

20th Novemebr - Online Chat -


In album news, the songs that are known to be on the new album are:

1.Whos Lovin You
4.Never Gonna Understand
6.True To Yourself
7.Turning Up The Heat
8.One Thing Leads To Another
9.Sometimes Happiness

The album will be out in March and hopefully the single will be around December.

20th October 2002

AWESOME NEWS - V is doing some appearances at HMV stores around the place.

Sunday 27th October - HMV Pacific Fair, Broadbeach on the Fountain Stage between midday and 1.30pm  CANCELLED

Sunday 27th October - HMV Maroochydore - Sunshine Plaza centre stage,between 3 and 4.30pmBR>
Thursday 31st October - HMV Parramatta, Centre stage Westfield Shopping Centre between 4- 5.30pm

Thursday 31st October - HMV Mid City Store, Pitt St Mall between 7.30 - 9pm CANCELLED

Friday 1st November - HMV Southland. Centre stage Southland between 4- 5.30pm CANCELLED

Friday 1st November - HMV Bourke St in-store. Store stage between 7.30-9pm CANCELLED

Make sure you get down to where ever u can and check V out cos trust me it's well worth it.
Also check out the offical site cos there has been an update in the gallery.

16th October 2002

OMG....while flicking threw this months Smash Hits mag I noticed they did a review on Spin. So the first thing I looked at was how many stars V got and omg I nearly fell out of my chair! 5 STARS!!!!! She's the best singles for this month...oh my god. According to Smash Hits Spin is gonna be big and they welcomed "Ms Amorosi" back to the top of the charts. Hell yes go Ness (lol it's ryhmes).

In other news V was on a show called Creature Features the other day and it showed her farm and soem of her was really awesome.

8th October 2002

OMG OMG OMG..... The new site is up and it rocks! It's packed full of new info and looks set to be even more awesome very soon!!!!!!!! There are also new dates and TV shows to watch out for!
Check it out:

Also V was on the Big Arvo this afternoon and we saw a bit of the making of her new video for Spin. It was awesome.

25th September 2002

Spin will be now released on the 28th of October!!!!
Also below is the lastest news from Vanessa managment...with info about dates that have been changed:


 Dear Friends,

 Due to circumstances beyound our control, Vanessa's performance at 
 CITY LIVE has been re-scheduled to 23rd Oct. and her new single SPIN 
 will now be released on Oct. 28th.

 But the invitation still stands for Sydney-based fans....

 PEPSI LIVE - Australia's only free to air, dedicated live music 
 program would like to invite you to come along for the recording of 
 Pepsi Live hosted by dylan lewis

 Wednesday 23rd October, 2002 7pm City LIVE 
 Performing on stage is VANESSA AMOROSI and other guests to be advised.

 (subject to bar tab availability)

 CALL 9959 2228 to register your details
 or email:


 Wednesday 25th September, 2002 7pm City LIVE at Fox Studios Australia 
 (Cnr Bent Street & Erroll Flynn Blvde, Moore Park. Enter via Lang 
 Road, parking available Wilson Car Park Erroll Flynn Blvde).

 Watch out for Vanessa's first single off the next Australian Album. 
 It's called SPIN and it's out Oct. 28th. Order your copy now!

22nd September 2002

To check out Vanessa' new clip for On Thing Lead 2 Another goto David's site! The vid is awesome and the song is amazing........Ness looks great, but nothing's changed there right?
Also start requesting Spin all your local radio stations to get it on the air and being heard so everyone can fall in love with it!

21st September 2002

OMG......last night SPIN was played on the hot30 as the HitPick and it absolutely rocks!!!
To check a clip of it out goto David's site:
Get ready for Spin to take off and to see Ness fly up the charts once again!

20th September 2002

First off read this:

The West Australian Symphony Orchestra has confirmed international chart-topper Vanessa Amorosi for the second annual Bankwest Symphony at Sandalford, which will be presented over two nights in January 2003. The concerts will be the first solo performance with a symphony orchestra for the young Australian singing sensation, and her first visit to the Swan Valley. 

The inaugural Bankwest Symphony at Sandalford with Kate Ceberano in January 2002 was a sell-out success with an audience in excess of 6000. Presented at the home of Sandalford Wines - Sandalford Caversham Estate – makes excellent use of Perth’s balmy summer evenings and the beautiful Swan Valley. 

Amorosi’s performance follows an extensive tour of Europe which saw her singing at the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, whilst promoting her second album Turn To Me. Amorosi says she is excited to be working with a full orchestra for the first time. “I was born into a musical family, so I’m familiar with most musical environments – but I’ve got a feeling that working with an orchestra is going to be as exciting as singing at the Sydney 2000 Olympics,” Ms Amorosi commented. 


Also the promo pic on the front cover of One Thing Leads To Another looks like this:

And here's a pic from the shooting of the video to go with it:

Ness is (as you can see) looking great and ready to rawk once again. In other news V is also going to be doing a duet with Olivia Newton John.
Now didn't I tell you guys that Vanessa will be back and this year still has time to rawk?

12th August 2002

As a Vanessa fan, you have a duty to Vanessa to help her out when she needs it, to support her threw thick and thing and VOTE when you are needed too!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girl this is the order VOTE LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!!! On the 14th of October Vanessa's brand  new single, Spin (Everybody's doin' it) will be out and rocking the charts, but only if we all help out. Vanessa needs you and I know there's not gonna be one free moment of my time not spent voting like crazy. You can start voting next week and if there was ever a time we were needed more it was now. So here's the plan, you have to request Spin on ALL your local radio stations by either e-mail or phone call. Here are some of the major stations to request on:

---  SYDNEY: ATTACK 2DAYFM !!   ---
 If you live in SYDNEY you can call and request 'Spin (Everybody's 
 doin' it)' on 104.1 2DAYFM on : (02) 9375 1000

 ---  SYDNEY: ATTACK 96.1 !!     ---
 You can request Vanessa's new single from 96.1's website at:

 --- SYDNEY: ATTACK NOVA 96.9 !! ---
 You can request Spin on Nova's request line:  (02) 9564 9999 

 Melbourne, Vanessa will ALWAYS be your girl, so show your support to 
 your local by voting for FoxFM's net4@4 here:
 You can also call FOXFM's request line: (03) 9205 1111 

---MELBOURNE: ATTACK MIX 101.1 !! ---
 Vote for Vanessa's new single on MIX 101.9 online here:
 and you can CALL their request line: (03) 9414 1011 

---BRISBANE: ATTACK B105 105.3 !!---
 Ness rocked you guys at the Goodwill Games and you guys responded 
 great when she filmed her 'The Power' vidclip at southbank, now it's 
 time once again to come together and show your support by voting 
 for 'Spin' on B105FM!


 Vote 4 B105's Hot 4 @ 4:

 Nominate 4 Penny's Workplace Top 5:

 Nominate 4 Suburban Top 10:

 Vote for 'Spin' on SEAFM online here:
 and you can CALL their request line: (03) 9414 1011 

 Vote for Ness's new single on MIXFM online here:

Above is just some of the radio stations from around the country, but you know who to call when it comes to this. Lets prove to everyone that Vanessa still rocks and has the power to kick some serious arse on the aussie charts. To prove that she has the best fans anyone could ask for. :)
Also for any Sydney fans (your so lucky) the following message is for you:

PEPSI LIVE - Australia's only free to air, dedicated live music 
 program would like to invite you to come along for the recording of 
 episodes 30 and 31 of Pepsi Live hosted by dylan lewis

 Wednesday 23rd October, 2002 7pm City LIVE 
 Performing on stage are Superheist, Grinspoon, VANESSA AMOROSI and 
 the Rockmelons.

 (subject to bar tab availability)

 CALL 9959 2228 to register your details
 or email:


 Wednesday 25th September, 2002 7pm City LIVE at Fox Studios Australia 
 (Cnr Bent Street & Erroll Flynn Blvde, Moore Park. Enter via Lang 
 Road, parking available Wilson Car Park Erroll Flynn Blvde).

 Watch out for Vanessa's first single off the next Australian Album. 
 It's called SPIN and it's out Oct. 14th. Order your copy now!

Any of the lucky people who do get to attend that, if any of you are willing to write a review or send in pics after the gig send me and e-mail

8th August 2002

The new single, Spin, will be coming out on the 14th of October and maybe on radios as early as the 9th of September (yes tomorrow!). The cd will also have a special surprise ( I assume something computer related). Other new is that "I'll Always Be A Melbourne Girl" will be a bonus track on the album and Vanessa is co-writing some songs overseas with some Swedish and Uk songwriters and V is also recording a duet with someone, will tell you who it is as soon as I find out too.
I will also be posting up the letter I received from V herself very very soon so keep checking back! Also I will have some new news by the end of this week!


       For any further information feel free to email me at