I would just like to say that this is my first ever fan fiction and that is all it is fan FICTION most of the people in the story are made up. So don’t sue me.



All eyes were on her as she walked down the high street,

“hey baby how you doin?” she rolled her eyes when she heard yet another tacky chat up line.

Turning her head a colourful and well presented poster caught her eye. YOUR BAND COME TO PERFORM AND WIN A PLACE ON TOUR WITH A MYSTERY GUEST! She tore down the poster folded it up and put it in her bag.



The song used in this chapter is called butterflyz and it is sung by Alicia Keys on her album songs in a minor.


Chapter 1

She walked through the park until she spotted them at the usual place. She smiled and waved.

“Hey guys how are ya? Check this out” She then threw a piece of folded up paper at the closet person to her. Kate read it then rolled her eyes.

“You cannot be serious. You actually expect us to try out for this, do you know how many people are going to be there?”

“Yes I do know how many people are going to be there, but we have as good a chance as anyone else there.”

Revvy got up and waved at the two women. “Hello! As if they are going to pick a group of 19 year olds. Besides we are an R’n’b band they are looking for pop people and you know it, look ladies as much as we dream they will not pick us. Louise, Kate is right there are going to be too many people there for them to even consider us.” After he was done with his speech he sat down and looked at the other two members for support.

Tommy and Jeannine shook their heads. Jeannine looked up at the them from her spot and said “Ya’ll are wrong I agree with Louise how will we know if we don’t try, Tommy agrees with me and it’s 3 against 2 so I guess we are going.” she smiled a triumphant smile at her discovery. Kate and Revvy HUMPHED and scowled at Jeannine.

“Ok people lets get to practicing!”



“Lately when I look into your eyes I realize
You're the only one I need in my life
Baby I just don't know how to describe
How lovely you made me feel inside”

“For the zillionth time I am not singing this song if you don’t stop messing with the melody, I like it the way I wrote it, got it!?” Then she started grumbling something about how she didn’t get the genius of her melody.

“Easy Lou sorry I won’t mess with it anymore” Jeannine sighed and went back to playing the keyboard.

“Okay lets take it from the chorus people” Tommy yelled.


After practicing for days and days the audition finally came.

“Okay now up we have ‘brown eyes‘”

When they heard their names they bounded up to the stage.

Louise spoke up “We are going to sing a song that I wrote it’s called butterflyz.” She opened her mouth and sang.

“Mmhmn mmhmn
Lately when I look into your eyes I realize
You're the only one I need in my life
Baby I just don't know how to describe
How lovely you made me feel inside

You give me butterflyz
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the butterflyz

You give me butterflyz
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the butterflyz

It seems like the light you give?
From the start you told me I would be your queen
But never had I imagined such a feeling
Joy is what you bring
I want to give you everything

You give me butterflyz
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the butterflyz

You give me butterflyz
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control these butterflyz

You and I are destiny
I know now you were made for me

Oh oh ooh
I can't control it
It's driving me
Taking me over

You give me butterflyz
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the butterflyz

You give me butterflyz
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the butterflyz”

When they had finished they looked to see the judges reaction they had smiles on their faces. “We will contact you and let you know if you won or not. We should be in contact in about a week. Thank you”


A week passed and they still had heard nothing from the judges. They were sitting in Louise’s living room when the phone rang. She picked up the phone


“Yes this is her”

“Oh ok”

“Yes thank you for calling”

She looked to her friends

“That was the judges from that competition thing”

There was a silence

Tommy got up and shook her “WHAT DID THEY SAY!?”

“Well they said”……..

Chapter 2