Chapter 2

Louise stared at the group “well they said that we didn’t make it. We’re runner ups, they said that if anything happens to the winners then we take their places.” she paused “ Also we get tickets to see Justin Timberlake in concert, that’s who the mystery guest was.” Her eyes were downcast. She looked up to see Kate looking at her with an ‘I told you so look on her face’

Revvy looked at Louise and took her hands “ Look it’s okay, I’m too big of a person to say I told you so…”

Kate cut in” yeah well I’m not. I TOLD YOU SO! But you never listen to me now do you? Of course you don’t because I’m just Kate James the person that is always bloody right!”

Jeannine hit Kate upside the head “ Girl you’d better shut up, we got runner up didn’t we? And we get tickets to see JUSTIN FLIPPIN’ TIMBERLAKE!” Then she started humming and doing a little dance to like I love you. Everyone burst into a fit of laughter. Jeannine was the biggest Justin Timberlake fan that ever existed, it was on a rare occasion that she didn’t wear something that was associated with ‘Nsync’ or ‘Justin Timberlake’.

Louise looked up and smiled “oh yeah there is one other small thing that I forgot to mention we get backstage passes and we get to meet him, that’s all”

Jeannine looked a s though she was about to die. “y-you mean we get to meet and see him and possibly have physical contact with him?”

“yes that’s what I mean”

She nodded and walked out of the room.

Tommy counted down on his fingers “5-4-3-2-1”


Revvy shook his head “It was inevitable”



“You have been obsessing over this concert for days now, quite frankly if I was Justin I’d be a little scared of you” Kate laughed

Jeannine “yeah well your not so there. Anyway the concert is next week so I’ll finish ‘obsessing’ when there is nothing to obsess about”

Tommy looked at her and said “you really need to get help”



They had got their tickets and backstage passes in the mail 1 week ago and the concert was finally there.

Louise looked up at her friends. She was in Kate‘s bedroom getting ready with the girls “It’s the concert today. I bet your nervous”

“No, me nervous? Please I am as cool as a cucumber” Jeannine paused “I’m not nervous at all. It’s only the single most important day of my life that I have been dreaming of ever since I laid eyes on the angel which is commonly known as Justin Timberlake. Not mentioning that he is part of the musical sensation named Nsync, he has come out with an ridiculously brilliant album and that he also has a body to die for. I am not nervous…really it’s no biggie.”

Louise laughed and walked in to the connecting bathroom not before saying “You forgot the part about him having incredibly beautiful eyes”

Jeannine smirked at her and did a ‘whatever’ sign. The girls continued to get dressed and made sure that they looked as beautiful as possible.

About fifteen minutes later Louise emerged from the bathroom and struck a pose “how do I look?” She was wearing a figure hugging baby blue string top on with the words ’baby phat’ on it, she also had blue low cut stretch jeans on and Blue jean boots. Her shoulder black length hair was let loose her chocolate skin was lightly sprinkled with some blue glitter, she had blue eye shadow which surprisingly suited her and she had a touch of raspberry lip gloss on.

Kate looked at her and said “you look very…hmm what’s the word”

“Blue!” Jeannine chirped in. Louise surveyed the other girls Jeannine was wearing a red and black top that had Justin Timberlake printed in bold letters down the side and a pair of Capri trousers with red shoes. Her highlighted brown hair was tied back into a bun on the top of her head. Her tanned skin was topped off with a light powder. Kate was wearing a green top that came of the shoulders with a black knee length skirt and green sandals. Her dark hair was falling across her pale face.

The girls walked out and sat down in the living room. They were talking when the door bell rang,

“that must be the boys”

Kate got up and went to answer the door. A few minutes later she showed up with Revvy and Tommy beside her.

“Are you guys ready to go to the concert?”

After everyone nodded they all headed for Jeannine’s car which was a silver drop top Mercedes. They all pilled in and were on their way to see Justin Timberlake. The ride was hell for the guys as the girls were repeatedly singing ‘Last Night’ ‘Seniorita’ and ‘Like I love you’ at the top of their lungs. It’s not that they didn’t like Justin Timberlake it was just that it was rather embarrassing to be see in a car with 3 girls acting like lunatics singing Justin songs at the top of their lungs. They were so happy when they got out of the car that it was unbelievable how far away they were walking from the girls.

They walked towards the stadium entrance and they could hear screaming fans from about a mile away, it was a good thing that the seats were reserved or else they would have had a really big problem. They walked up to their seats which were front row and they sat and talked through the openers. They only did this because they were bitter, it should have been them opening as Louise had said repeatedly.

Jeannine of course was talking the most “I cannot believe I am going to see Justin Timberlake in concert!”

Tommy looked at her incredulously “You cannot be serious, you have seen Nsync in concert twice and you have seen Justin Timberlake concert once already, what are you talking about saying that you can’t believe your going to see Justin Timberlake in concert, girl please.”

Jeannine scowled at him then stuck out her tongue “Yeah well he performs differently so SHUT UP”

“My god she is a baby” Revvy said

Kate smiled “I think somebody’s getting cranky” she said in her best baby voice “Does the baby want her bottle?”

Jeannine shot her a bird and Kate mimicked her action. They were swearing and making faces at each other






Kate was cut off when they heard the beginning to Like I love you. They immediately shut up. All the girls stood up and started dancing and singing along with Justin Timberlake especially Jeannine. The guys were a bit more relaxed but they still had fun. Justin was singing and he was having a blst on stage.

“…people are so phoney,

Nosey cause their lonely

Aren’t you sick of the same thing?

They say so and so is dating.

Love you or their hating

When it doesn’t matter anyway

Because we’re here tonight!”

They carried on singing and having fun through out the concert. If you said that Jeannine was hyper that could be considered as the understatement of the century. She was jumping up and down and singing as loud as she could, it was actually quite frightening. The concert was finally over and it was time for them to meet the man himself. They went backstage and were walking when they were stopped by a huge black man who was wearing a blue clad shirt and jeans.

“I am sorry but there are no fans allowed back here” He pointed towards the opposite end of the corridor “ the exit is down this corridor on the next left”

They looked at the man and flashed their backstage passes. Louise walked up to the man and smiled. “Hi we were the runner ups of the competition, so we are just looking for Justin Timberlake we are looking for where to go”

Luckily this man was one of the people who knew about the competition. He smiled apologetically “Hello sorry about that there are just a lot of fans, I am sure that you can understand me telling you to get out. Anyway if you just follow me I’ll show you where he is” he started walking down the corridor taking a lot of turns. He finally stopped. “He is right through this door, hope he is everything you expected”

The security guard started to walk away, then he suddenly stopped. “Hey guys my name is Mike just to let you know”

Louise walked up to the door and knocked.

“come on in” a very masculine yet beautiful voice called out.

Louise turned the knob and held her breath. There Justin Timberlake sat still sweating from his awesome performance.

Everybody piled into the room

Justin looked to the door and smiled.

Chapter 3