Title: Smash Hits Interview
Date: 1997 or 98
Source: Smash Hits
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aaronintheuk/
Source: Typed up by generationhansonextreme
Topic: 1997 Article/Interview
Isn't nine years old a bit young for this pop star lark?
"No, because there might be other kids who are pop stars."
Hmm, so how did you get started?
"I was in a band when I was six. They were called Dead End. I was with them for 2 years, then I went solo when I was 7 or 8."
The girls go bonkers for you in Germany - are you more popular there than Nick?
"Oh, I don't know that!"
How do you feel when they scream at you?
"I like it."
So do you want a girlfriend then?
"No, I'm still a bit young."
What advice has Nick given you about being a pop star?
"He told me to pretend there's only 2 or 3 people in the audience when I perform, 'cos it makes it easier."
What's the biggest crowd you've played to?
(Casually) "Sixty thousand."
Blimey! What's it like having a famous brother?
"It's neat cos I get to go places with him."
Do you ever fight?
"No. Well, sometimes we have arguments, but we don't fight."
Do you play tricks on each other?
"Sometimes. Once I told him there was a present for him in his room, then locked him in for an hour! He was mad!"
You share a bedroom, don't you?
"Yes, it's about the same size as my Mom's room."
Really! Is it messy?
"Nick's messy and I'm tidy! It gets messy when he's home, 'cos of all his stuff."
You have a home tutor - do you miss school?
"No, 'cos at home I can ride my motorcycle, or go fishing...."
Who's your favourite Backstreet Boy?
"Except for Nick? Brian, Howie, AJ.... and Kevin."
Do you want to be a Backstreet Boy when you're bigger?
"I don't know. I guess I'd rather stay solo."