Title: Big Interview
Source: Big
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aaronintheuk/
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Date: December 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK
Summary: Various topics; mainly about Aaron's siblings and school.
Aaron, we hear you played a really funny trick on Nick the other day...
"Yeah, it waws soo funny! I flew to Milan to be on a show called Surprise, Surprise. Nick and the rest of the Backstreet Boys were on it but Nick didn't know I was coming. Before the show started the presenter was asking the crowd 'Do you prefer Aaron or Nick?' and all the audience said Aaron! Hee hee!"
So what happened?
"Oh, Nick and the boys came on to surprise a little girl in the audience. But they had all these people who were dressed like me in dungarees and my hair style. And then they asked Nick to say whether he recognised anyone in the crowd. He was like, 'They all look like Aaron'. I came forward and he was like 'Wow'. He couldn't believe it."
Then what happened?
"We laughed and I performed a song but then I had to fly back to England."
Do you get on with the BSBs?
"Yeah, I really like Brian and AJ. The others are nice but it's hard to hang out with them cos they're much older."
What's your fave BSB tune?
"As Long As You Love Me. I know all the words, AJ taught me the hard bits in the song."
Do you still get really nervous before you walk on stage?
"I'm not as bad now as I used to be. Now I can go out quite easily but I used to be like 'Arrgh' every time."
Is it true you don't tell anyone at school what you do?
"Yeah. I didn't want those guys to call me names - it wouldn't be much fun for me."
But what happens when you miss loads of school cos you're away?
"I keep up with what they're doing because I have a tutor with me all the time."
When did you last go to school?
"In June, but I don't really miss it. I quite like Maths, but I hate English. It's a really hard subject so unless I'm doing something fun I hate it. I quite like German."
So what do you do when you're not being a pop star?
"I ride my motorbike. I got it about three months ago and I'm always falling off it. I crashed it once and broke three fingers."
Oops! Sounds painful...
"Yeah sort of. But that's not all, I did this wheelie once and the bike went out of control and went right over my head. I was lucky cause I was OK, but the bike wasn't working for a while."
You're obviously a dangerous man...
"Yeah, I guess. I love my skateboard too. We have loads of space so I can get on my board and just go anywhere. Nick and I used to skate all the time but he's never at home now. Actually, he came back a few months ago and just spent the day hanging out with his friends. I was pretty mad. I wanted to go fishing with him."
Do you like fishing?
"Oh yeah. What do you mean fishing is boring? It's cool. I catch flying fish in our lake. They go real fast and I hold out my casting net and pick them right off the water. Why are you laughing? I can teach you to do it if you like?"
Do you and Nick fight a lot?
"No. He's never there. But we do share a bedroom. He's messier than me but it doesn't matter. He's a good brother."
You've got a twin sister called Angel, how do you get on with her?
"Really well. She's more like a model than a singer. She's got really long brown hair."
Are you so close that you're telepathic?
"No. Erm... at least I don't think so. I don't know what you're talking about actually. What does it mean?"
It means you can communicate without talking...
"No, we don't do that. That's weird."
Would you like to become an actor?
"I want to be in a movie with Nick where we could have loads of fights with bad guys. But at the moment I'm really into being a singer."
And finally, what are you getting for Christmas?
"I want a huge diamond cross on a gold chain just like the one AJ has. AJ has some real cool jewellery, he wears silver and gold and I really like all his pendants. I've asked my mom to get me the biggest necklace with loads of diamonds all over it."