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Title: Aaron - hard but fair!
Source: Top Of The Pops
Source: Submitted by nike_child12
Date: Aug 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Aaron - hard but fair!

If you were the referee in a TOTP celeb footie match would you be really, really strict?

No, I'd let the players do whatever they liked. They could kick each other in the shins, throw each other over their shoulders. I'd find it funny and I'd laugh and laugh and laugh!

Blimey. It could mean the ole pop world owuld be wiped out in 90 minutes!

(Giggles then goes all serious and referee-like.) But... if one bone was broken then the bad player would be sent straight off the pitch and never allowed to kick a ball again.

Are you a skillful player yourself?

I'm better than my brother! Nick sucks! I won a medal at school but that was for the American Football little leauge.

Do you prefer playing American footie? It's quite a rough game...

Nah, I prefer the soccer you guys play here. You can kick the ball wherever you want. (Leaping up to perform an imaginary kick.) You can boot the ball right at 'em.

At the other players?


Yikes! Erm, suffered any bad football injuries yourself?

I've got a massive bruise here on my leg (rolls up trouser leg to reveal nasty purple mark).

Ee-oo! How did that happen? Did Nick aim straight for you?

No, I kicked myself during a soccer match two days ago.

Best sit on the sideline then. How loud can you cheer for your team?

LOUD! When I performed with the Backstreet Boys I had to sing so loudly to compete with the audience my vocal chords were dead!

Finally if you were choosing your dream pop footie team who would you put in goal?

Kevin, cos he's so big. He could fill up the whole net!

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