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Title: Interview: Girlfriends, wobbly teeth, snakes and All Saints
Source: Big
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Date: May 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Girlfriends, wobbly teeth, snakes and All Saints - BIG! gets the goss from the smallest pop star in the world...

q: Are you still with your girlfriend?

a: Nope. Her name is was Jackie but we're not together anymore but I still really like her. I met her on the set of the video for my next single, Shake It. She stars in it 'cos I like her so much. She didn't like me very much at first, she thought I was a bit goofy but then we got together.

q: Why did you split up?

a: We couldn't find time to see each other cos she lives in Kissimmee in Florida and I live in Tampa and that's about three hours away by car. My Mom still has her number so I will call her soon. She sent me a letter and I sent her a tape of my album but she's at school and I´m always away.

q: So what have you been up to?

a: My tooth's just fallen out! It was wobbly yesterday so I pulled it and now I can't smile properly without showing a gap. My sister Angel wanted to pull it but I got there first.

q: What did you do with the tooth?

a: I threw it out. My Mom wanted to keep it but it was a bit yukky.

q: When did you last see Nick?

a: He came home the other week and I went on tour with him for a couple of days. I went to Canada to see him and it was freezing. There was loads of snow, I thought we where going to die cos it was so cold. A.J had to wear three hats and Nick got a bad earache.

q: Will you come to Britain with the BSBs this month?

a: You never know, that would be cool if I could come on stage with them again like I did in Germany last month.

q: What do you and Nick talk about when you see him?

a: He tells me which computer game he's bought and I show him my new single. Nick and Brian always try to tickle me and A.J tells me to buy a hat every time I see him! Nick asks about our dogs back home and he always wants my Mum to get him more candy, he loves that stuff.

q: How do you feel when people say you're too young to be a star?

a: I don't care cos it's fun ! I could be at school and doing French and History but I'm not. I get to travel to really cool places like Germany and Britain and hang out with loads of people. I like being in Britain 'cos everyone speaks English. In Germany I have no idea what they are talking about, so I just smile and nod when people give me gifts.

q: What's the best present you've ever had?

a: I can't remember. I'm getting loads of teddies from my fans at the moment, which is OK but I really like Ninja Turtles and GI Joes. Do you know what my favourite game right now is? Checkers (drafts), it's quite hard. My cousin bought it for me for my birthday and I play it when I'm travelling.

q: What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

a: I cut my leg a few weeks ago. My Mom made me carry the garbage outside to put on the driveway and there was something really sharp in the bag and it cut my leg. It really hurt so I had a few stitches but I didn't really need them. I don't take out the garbage these days. But did I tell you about the snake?

q: What snake?

a: I was bitten by a garden snake. I was prodding it with a stick and it just turned around and bit me on the arm! I screamed cos I remembered seeing someone on the TV who squeezed poison out of his arm so I tried to do that too.

q: Then what happened?

a: My Dad ran up to me and said that the snake wasn't poisonous so I was safe. But for a few minutes I thought I was going to die! Then Angel started trying to make it bite her so she could be the same as me!

q: Blimey, maybe you should just stay in and watch TV?

a: No way. Sometimes I watch action movies. But I never have time - unless I'm on, then I tape it and watch it afterwards.

q: Who's the most famous person you ever met?

a: Um? I don't know. I know the Backstreet Boys real well! They meet everyone, including royalty.

q: Have you met All Saints yet?

a: No, who are they again? (BIG! explains) I don't know their music but I know who they are. They always say hello and they've got really white teeth. I usually meet people on TV shows and they're really nice. But I don't hear many songs 'cos I'm too busy. Maybe you could send me some?

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