Title: Have you ever...
Source: Live & Kicking
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aaronintheuk/
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Date: May 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK
Have you ever...?
Got stuck in a toilet?
"I've been locked in a hotel bathroom but not stuck down the can! It was frightening because I was stuck in there for hours, but I managed to get myself out in the end."
Kissed a girl?
"No, not properly. I've kissed girl fans on the cheek but I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to the first real kiss. It's scary!"
Run away from home?
"Nope! I've got a nice home. I did get lost in a theme park when I was little. One minute my mom was there and the next I couldn't see her. I sat on a bench and waited for her to find me. I didn't cry, though."
Felt scared on a plane journey?
"Oh yes! Once the plane dropped, swoosh, 1000s of feet in, like two seconds. I froze and cried out, 'Tell the pilot to turn the knob up!' and we went whizzing back into the sky again."
Been teased?
"Not really, I tease other people. I say 'I'll be right back!' and then I run away and don't come back!"
Sat still for more than five minutes?
"No! Never, ever, ever! Erm only when I sleep."
Wished you were someone else?
"Not really but I guess it would be cool to be an astronaut. I'd see if the moon was made of cheese and take a huge bite out of it."
Given someone a black eye?
"Yeah. When I was six I kicked a kid at school. I meant to do it too!"
Got your toe stuck up a tap?
"Uh huh! I had to pull and pull until it popped out. It hurt but I didn't cry. I've got a scar on my foot. Do you want to see?"
Been bitten by a wild animal?
"Yeah! I got bitten by a dinasaur. I'm not joking. I have two dinasaurs now. They're iguanas. They're called Usher and Mariah Carey."
Panicked before going on stage?
"Yes, the first time I sang in Germany, I went 'brrrrrrrr!' and knocked my knees together. And guess what? I didn't cry!"