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Title: Aaron's Art Book!
Source: TV Hits
Source: Submitted by nike_child19
Date: June 98
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Being a pop star isn't always easy you know, especially if you're still only 10 years old like Aaron. Inbetween releasing hit singles and touring the world, there's also the small matter of school work to do! So TV Hits decided it was time to see if Aaron pays attention in his art class, and set him the task of drawing a selection of his favorite things - each in the space of a minute. So pencils at the ready, eyes down, and remember you man - no cheating!

My fave food...

My favorite food at the moment is pizza, especially cheese stuffed crust with pepperoni from Pizza Hut. I can actually make pretty good pizza myself. I load it up with everything - sardines, anchovies, tofu, pepperoni and cheese! I have a real big appetite!

My fave toy...

I love Ninja Turtles. Michaelangelo is the best because he has Ninja chucks (a turtle weapon). It's brilliant because all my fans know I like him and I've been given about four since I've been touring. I also bought this really neat toy arm last week - it wriggles around and I plan to scare someone with it soon!

My fave pet...

It has to be my little dog, Pepper - she's so cute and I really miss her when I'm away. I think she misses me, too - well, after all, I am her owner! She's a Schnauzer and they're very, very, very, very well trained dogs, the bets you can have. She even sleeps with me when I'm at home - at the end of the bed, of course!

My fave item of clothing...

I really love my blue Nike Jordan trainers which my Mom bought for me. I actually have a pair in red too, but they're not as special so I wear them all the time. The blue pair stay at home 'cos I'm scared of losing them!

My fave place...

I went to Hawaii (or Hawii, as Aaron spells it!) for a photoshoot recently and it was so nice. There were lots of palm trees and surfers but I didn't have a chance to go in the water 'cos I was too busy. I'd really like to go back there!

My fave friend...

My best friend is called John and he lives just across the river from me in a big blue house. We have great fun, especially when we play football - I always win. Actually, I'm really good at most sport!

My fave brother...

I'm travelling so much now I hardly ever see Nick and I really miss him. We talk all the time on the phone and meet up whenever we can. I miss all my family, actually. This picture's of me, our friend Biscuit who goes everywhere with us, and Nick, but he wouldn't fit on the page as he's soooo tall now...

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