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Title: Desert Island
Source: TV Hits Summer Special 1998
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Date: Summer 1998
Topic: Article/Interview
Location: UK

Aaron, imagine you could have just one person with you on your Island. Who would it be?

I know he'd look after me, but it definitely wouldn't be Mike, my bodyguard - he's like family to me but I think I'd take someone from my actual family who was maybe a bit more important. My Mum? Maybe, but probably my twin sister, Angel. She'd beat me up all the time - she always does when we're touring but it'd be nice to have her there with me anyway.

If you could take five of your favourite albums with you what would they be?

Easy. All five of Michael Jackson's albums. No contest.

Hey! You're lucky enough to hove a video recorder with you too. But you're only allowed one tape, so what would you choose?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - that's my favourite out of the three. I like that one because it's where the Ninja Turtles get beaten up! I'm still crazy about my Ninja Turtles toys - I've got about 500 of them - so I'd like to take some of them with me to my desert island. Is that OK? Maybe I'll have to build a special Ninja Turtle room on my island to keep them in!

You can have just one game for your Gameboy - which would it be?

That would have to be 68 In One. It's a whole bunch of games in just one little package. I suppose my favourite out of all of them is Bugs Bunny, but they're all pretty easy to play, really.

If there were loads of creepy crawlies on your Island, would it bother you much?

No, not at all. I've been bitten by spiders and snakes so many times in Florida. Some of the spiders have been really huge and the bites hurt like mad like having a needle poked into you! One time I was just lying in my bed and I got bitten - I wasn't annoying it or anything even though my Mom is always telling me it's my own fault 'cos I keep pestering them! My sister, BJ, is really afraid of c'o'ckroaches and one time I slipped one under her bedroom door and she started screaming and jumped out of the window! Angel's not scared of anything though, so she'd be really great to I have around. I think we're both extremely afraid of sharks, though!

How would you stop yourself being bored? And how do you reckon you'd spend your average day?

I'd put my clothes on first and have a swim, then I'd take a big boat with me and catch fish and cook them up on a stove, then wander around the island and make some friends. I think I'd enjoy it, though. I wouldn't get bored.

What would you make with all those empty coconut shells?

I'd probably try and make myself I some kind of shelter to live in, but I it'd probably take me a couple of months to work out how to do it. Angel could probably do it more quickly, though!

Which would you prefer to have with you - a snorkel and mask or a surf board?

I'd rather have a surfboard. I love surfing - I've been about four times already in Hawaii, which was fantastic.

Which food would you really miss?

Pizza! I'd bring 50 boxes of cheese pizza with anchovies on the top. I'd probably get sick of it pretty quickly, but if I'm only allowed to take one kind of food, then it'd have to be

You find a bottle and decide to send a message. What would you say?

a) "Help, help! I'm stuck on a desert island, please come!"

b) "Having a lovely time on paradise island I think I'll stay forever..."

c) "Come and join me! Shark wrestling is so much fun!"

I think my message would be "Help, help! Come and find me!" Even though I'd have fun for a month or so, l don't think I'd really like to stay there for very long - I'd just miss my friends and family too much. One month would be fine, though.

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