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Title: Bubbleicious!
Source: TV Hits
Source: Submitted by nike_child12
Date: 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Crazy little party boy Aaron Carter has a squeaky clean image, but is he really that sweet 'n' innocent? Pop's newest boy tells all... (with a little help from his mom!)

Now Aaron, we want to know if you're the best behaved boy in pop...

Well, actually I behave myself most of the time, but sometimes I have to admit I do get a little out of hand - but that's only sometimes. Most of the time I can truly say I am the best behaved boy in pop!

So what happens when you do get a little out of hand, then?

The same as what happens to everyone else - my mom tells me off!

So she still tells you off even though you're a pop star?

Oh yeah, that doesn't make any difference - I still get in trouble now and again. Well, quite a lot actually!

So what sort of naughty things do you get up to?

I can't tell you as I honestly can't remember, and that's 'cos I haven't done anything really naughty for a long time!

So how does your mum punish you when you're naughy?

The same way every time - my Mom usually grounds me.

Yikes! Do you think that's the worst punishment there is? Yep, for sure - I hate being grounded, especially when I'm away. I miss out on all the fun!

What's the longest time you've been grounded for?

Oh, there was one time I was grounded for five hours...

That's not very long - we thought you were going to say weeks!

Yeah, but I had to stay on the couch for five whole hours. Imagine it - five house on the couch with no TV, and if I dared get up my Dad would add on an extra five hours. I got up once so I then had to stay on the chair for a whole 10 hours. I hate it... At this point, Aaron's mum Jane interrupts... 'Aaron, ten hours? No! That's not true!' Aaron: OK then, maybe it was less... erm, maybe it was three hours (he says sheepishly), but it did feel like ten hours, that's for sure! Mrs Carter pops in again to set the record straight. 'It was actually only an hour, and then we added another 45 minutes on because he was still being naughty!'

Do you ever get your brother and sisters into trouble?

No, not really. There's been times when I nearly have I always end up getting caught out, so it ends up just being me!

Do any of them ever get you into trouble?

Yeah, sometimes... I'm sure I could tell you a few stories, but then they'd find out and I'd be in really big trouble!

Oh c'mon Aaron, we won't tell... what have they done to get you into trouble?

OK, then (asks his mom). What do they do to get me into trouble?

Mom: Don't look at me, I'm not getting involved in any of this! Let me tell you something about Aaron. He's got a strong will, a strong nature. He's very stubborn, but I think his determination works well in his career because you need to be determined to make it in this buisness.

Now that you're a pop star earning lots of money, do you still get pocket money? Yes I do.

What do you do with it - save it or spend it?

Erm, I like to spend it, but because we travel such a lot, I often don't get the chance. I do sometimes like to save up for things, special things.

So what was the last thing you saved up for?

The last thing was... mmm, let me think... Erm, I don't remember... Mom, what was it?

Mom: Let me tell you, he doesn't usually save up, no way. He usually goes out and spends it, spends it all, normally on video games - he's as bad as his brother!

OK Aaron who would you say is your best friend?

That's easy! My best friend is someone called John and he lives near me at home. Has he been your best friend for a long time, then?

About two months or so now.

What does he think of you being a famous pop star?

He doesn't care about that - I'm just his friend and we have lots of fun.

Do the two of you cause loads of mischeif when you're together?

Yes we do. When I'm home we always go up to the river and throw rocks into it, and we hit the fish.

Do you do proper fishing with rods and stuff?

No, but I go fishing with a cast net with my dad and Nick. I love fishing and I taught myself how to fish.

So, do you tell John all your secrets like best friends do?

Yeah I do, but he doesn't tell me his secrets!

But if he did tell you, would you keep them private?

Yes, I'm really, really good at keeping secrets - ooh, the things I could tell you...

How do you manage to keep up with all your school work when you're on the road?

I have a tutor - she travels everywhere with me. She's great and we get on really well together.

What's your favorite school subject, then?

Math. I'm good at Math so I don't mind studying for that. I guess it's kind of a strange one to like, but it all just seems to make sense to me.

Do you get given loads of homework and stuff?

Yeah, but I'm not good at doing it. I usually do it at night after I've rehearsed or performed. I did do some last night - I worked hard, too...

Do you help your Mom with the housework?

Erm, usually I don't, but sometimes I do try to help a little - but I think I just end up getting in the way!

So what chores do you usually do - do you ever do hoovering?

Hoovering! (Aarons starts laughing and shouts) Claire (record company lady), Claire, listen to this - she just aksed me if I do the hoovering! (Finds this very amusing...) I only learned the word 'hoovering' the other day from Claire. We say 'vacuuming'. I sometimes do the vacumming, yeah. There's lots of words that are funny that you say in the U.K. (Cheers!) (Aaron then proceeds to blow dry my hair with an empty bubble gun - oi gerroff!)

So do you always keep your room tidy?

Yes, I do keep my room tidy, but when Nick comes home - well, then it's like a tornado just went right by! He's really messy, really, really untidy!

And does he get into trouble for that?

Oh yeah, he actually got grounded just before Christmas! It was kinda funny 'cos he wanted to play basketball with his friends, only mum wouldn't let him go out!

What about hotel rooms - do you always keep them tidy?

No, I don't - I should try harder but I'm always rushing around.

Do you pack your own suitcases when you go away?

No, my mom usually does my packing, otherwise I'd forget things.

When I was your age, I used to hate having baths - do you like having baths?

Let's just say I have to be carried into the bath tub and dropped in!

Do you have lots of bubbles in there?

(Mom butts in) He likes to squeeze all the hotel bottles of gel in there - every single one! Aaron: I like doing that - it's funny, and it makes a real mess!

How late are you allowed to stay up?

Until about 10 o'clock usually, but last night I stayed up till 12. Mom (again): Yeah, but you weren't supposed to stay up that late! I let him go next door to hang out with his dancers - he's been nagging me since we got here... Aaron: Well Mom, when I got to the room it was 11.30, so that's not too bad!

Were you having a bit of a party, then?

No, honest, we were just hanging out!

Finally, what's your advice for staying in your parents' good books?

To keep mom and dad happy I'd say just never mouth at them, never disobey them, listen to what they say - that's pretty much my opinion. And it was Nick who told me that!

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