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Title: Daily Edition
Type: Transcript
Date: April 3, 2002
Source: Submitted by nike_child19
Topic: 2002 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Oh you know, when people show me stuff - like old pictures, I'm like "Oh god! Can't believe I was smiling like that!"

I guess it would make it easier for me to have a brother, famous, in the industry because he's given me support with his name. I mean, although he's given me support with his name, I kind of feel that I cheated my way through, you know, it just happened that I had him as my brother, but I think I'm trying to, you know, make a new name for myself.

The last embarrasing thing I did was, Denver, Colorado. We were performing and I did a song called 'I'm All About You' on the new album. Right before it I was bringing a girl up on stage, so I'm walking back and forth, looking at girls - which one I'm gonna pick. So I walk over and I'm trying to be all cool about this, and I point at her and I step - and I stepped off the stage, thinking theres a monitor there and I was like (points and pretends to fall off his chair) and I just fell! Cameras broke, I fell and the stupidest thing I could of done was get back up and laugh - and I did.

Do I have a girlfriend? No I don't have a girlfriend, not right now, I am very single, single like a quaterpounder.

Of course, you know, I missed out on my childhood but this is my childhood. You know? I mean, that's what I don't think a lot of people understand is, there is no possible way you can miss out on your childhood. Cause your childhood is what you grow up to be like, whether you go to church every sunday, you go to school, you get homeschooled. It depends, people have different childhoods, you know, my childhood, right now and back then is singing. I chose that and that's what I wanted to do.

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