Title: TV Hits Interview 2002
Date: March, 2002
Source: TV Hits
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aaronintheuk/
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Topic: Article/Interview
Location: UK
From cute lil' kid to gorge guy! We got on the blower to the phwoarsome Aaron!
Hey good lookin', - long time, no speak! Wotcha doin'?
I'm touring in America. Right now I'm hanging out on my tour bus with my dancers. I'm beating them at Playstation, ha ha!
D'you like touring then?
Yeah, it's great. I get to see places I'd never have gone to if I wasn't singing. I've been to some really cool cities.
Is there a bad side?
Sometimes we fly in and out of a country within a day and all you see is the hotel and the stadium. That's kind of annoying but when I'm older I'll come back to all these places - when I can fly my own private jet!
Swanky! How come we haven't seen much of you over here, then?
I've just been real busy over the last couple of years. I've toured all over the States, travelled round the world, recorded a new album and I still have to fit in school too, which is a real drag!
So, don't you like your British fans?
Sure I do - It's just too cold in Britain. Just kidding! The UK's cool though - I've seen so many cities but nowhere else is like London.
Yay us! What's your new single like?
It's a really bouncy tune - it's in the new Jimmy Neutron film.
Cool. Are you still getting loadsa fan mail?
Yeah, I still get heaps and heaps, which is so cool. I try to read some of it but it's not always easy as it has to be sent to my fan club now. I read the emailed ones when I'm on the road. It's good to hear what fans are up to!
D'ya get more fan mail than Nick, then?
There's no way I get more than Nick. If his was delivered to our home, Mom wouldn't be able to get in the door!
Wowzer! Are ya gonna be working with him soon?
Yeah - Nick's done a couple of tracks with me on my new album. He bosses me about cos I'm his kid brother, but it's cool to have him there to muck around with. We go blading, play basketball and just hang out in any spare time we have.
Wow - your job is so cool!
Finally - do you have a girlf? And if not, what kind of gal are you looking for?
I always get asked that - it's so embarassing! I think loads of girls are cute but I haven't met anyone really special...
What about a celeb girl?
Hmm... I guess my ideal date'd be with a girl like Beyonce, or maybe Britney - they're both cool aren't they?!