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Title: L&K Magazine
Date: 2002
Source: L&K Magazine
Source: Submitted by nike_child19
Topic: 2002 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Aaron Carter's back with a new sinlge and time for a natter...

What have you been up to since opening for Britney on her UK tour last year?

I recorded a new album, went all around the world promoting it and now I'm on tour in America.

How have you changed since you first started in the biz? Well, I'm definately a bit taller!

What do you most like about being in showbiz?

I love travelling and seeing loads of different countries. I've met a lot of really cool people since I started doing this.

So, what do you do in your spare time?

I love playing sports. I usually ride my motorbikes and jet skis (ooh, look at you!) or go fishing. I also love taking my dog Oscar to the park - that's the first thing I do when I get home.

Who would you most like to duet with?

I'd always wanted to record a duet with my brother Nick (Backstreet Boy) and we finally got round to recording one last year. It's really cool and it's on my new album. We also performed together at one of my gigs - that was awesome!

Who would you most like to go on tour with and why?

Kaci maybe? She's really nice. I've toured with Britney Spears, which was really cool and the Backstreet Boys tour was wicked, 'cause I got to hang out with my brother all the time.

When will you be back in the UK?

I'm not sure at the moment. Probably when my next single comes out. I love England, the only problem is that I live in California and I'm always cold when I go back to the UK!

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