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Title: Xchange Transcript
Date: 2002
Source: The Guide
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Topic: Article/Interview
Type: Transcript
Location: UK

Jez: Talking about saturday jobs, while most of us just have a milk round, our next guest of 14 has sold 10 million copies of his album worldwide, give it up for Aaron Carter!

(Clapping and Cheering.)

Jez: Aaron, put it there mate (Shake's Aaron's hand.) Now listen, you don't know what you're missing because it's £2.50 an hour, delivering milk, OK? and you get the rest of the day free. And look at you going round the world, selling records, you don't know what you're missing.

Aaron: (Laughs.)

Jez:(Laughs) Look at him, he's like "Yeah, yeah I've got more money than you."

Aaron:Oh no, it's not like that.

Jez: Are you enjoying the UK?

Aaron: Oh yeah, I love it here, I really enjoy it.

Jez: Been here 10 days.

Aaron: 10 days, yeah.

Jez: What's you're favourite site? What have you seen that you've gone "Yeah!"?

Aaron: Uh, my favourites site, uh, I like the Big Ben.

Jez: Uh huh

Aaron: That was cool, I really enjoyed it. And, uh, all the, the London eye was cool too.

Jez: Yeah. You've been on all of it, you've done the kinda sightseeing stuff?

Aaron: Oh yeah.

Jez: So you're over here promoting your new single.

Aaron: Yep. "Leave it up to me."

Jez: "Leave it up to me". Which is from "Jimmy Neutron" as we've seen it in the back here (Points to a TV screen where the "Leave it up to me" video is playing.)

Aaron: (Laughs.)

Jez: Have you seen that film?

Aaron: Yeah I've seen he film. I saw it in, around August time actually.

Jez: OK.

Aaron: Very early.

Jez: Fantastic. Now listen, most 14 year olds are going to school, kinda going "listen, what am I gonna do when I leave school?" and everything. You're a pop star already.

Aaron: (Laughs.)

Jez: Are you just kinda going "I'm a pop star at 14, What am I going to do when I'm older?"

Aaron; Well, you know, I don't know, you know, I've, I've looked forward to doing lots of things as I get older.

Jez: Uh huh.

Aaron: You know, I wanna do, um, marine biology.


Aaron: Definately when I get older, um, and, uh, I guess I'm gonna go to college for that.

Jez: Right.

Aaaron: And study for it. I mean I know I might not make as much money doing that as I will now, but it doesn't matter.

Jez: Fantastic. Look at that, Pop stardom to training dolphins.

Aaron: (Laughs.)

Jez: Can't beat that. Can't beat that. Now listen, you do have a famous brother, Nick.

Aaron: Uh huh.

Jez: Sings for some band or other doesn't he?

Aaron: Yeah. N SYNC or something?

Jez: Huh?

Aaron: N SYNC?

Jez: Yeah, something like that.

Aaron: Oh no, I'm sorry, Backstreet Boys.

Jez: No, No, Forget that we don't need to big them up. This is your bit.

Aaron: (Laughs).

(Aaron then plays a game called "Celebrity Snap" which is a bit like the game "Pairs" and he has to match up the celebrity siblings. He got 3 out of 5 correct. He also performed his single "Leave it up to me.")

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