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Title: Mizz Interview
Date: March, 2002
Source: Mizz
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Topic: Article/Interview
Location: UK

Celeb Spesh

My 1st...

Aaron Carter confesses the lot...

...Valetine's Card

"When I was about six, I really liked this girl called Britney. I thought she fancied another boy in my class - I was sooo jealous of him! But then, on Valentine's Day, she sent me a card telling me she loved me. I felt brilliant all day."


"I seem to hurt myself loads - I smashed my bike into a tree last month! But the first time I really damaged myself was when I was five and fell off the back of a motor boat. I cut my nose badly - there was blood everywhere. I can't remember much more about it cos I passed out."

...Trip Abroad

"In 1995, I supported the Backstreet Boys on their European tour - I was seven. My fave place on that tour was defnitely London. I thought it was mad that you could go for a pizza round the corner from somewhere as grand as Buckingham Palace!"

...School Uniform

"Mum made me wear the same one for two years, which was bad cos by the time I was six, I was growing out of it. The trousers were flapping round my ankles and the sleeves were too short - I hated it."


"My faves when I was four were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons. The Turtles were great because they were crime fighters who had fun, too. Michaelangelo was a party animal, so he was my hero. I had all the figures and made little boats and houses for 'em, too."

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