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Title: Nickelodeon Interview
Date: March, 2002
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Type: Interview
Topic: Article/Interview
Location: UK

Oh Aaron!"

We catch a chat with Aaron Carter...

It's been an age since we last saw you over here. What have you been up to?

Last year I recorded my new album and since then I've been all over the world promoting it. At the moment I'm touring America.

Tell us about your new album "Oh Aaron"? Have you got any favourite tracks on it?

I'm really pleased with my new album. It's a slightly different sound, a bit more grown up but I really love it. I think it reflects my personality more than any of my previous work. My fave track is "Leave It Up To Me" cause it's just a great pop tune and I love the dance routine. But I had the best times recording the "Oh Aaron" and "Not Too Young, Not Too Old" tracks 'cause Nick did them with me. He's a great influence and he keeps me in line!

We hear you won a Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award last year. Congrats! Where do you keep all your awards safe?

Yeah, that was such a buzz, I had a great time at the ceremony. As for where they're kept?...Well, most things like that I have to keep at my Mom's in California. I have stuff in my room but my Mom puts mine and Nick's trophies round the house or in our games room.

What was it like touring on the Britney and Backstreet Boys tours? Did you get a chance to do any sight seeing in the places you visited?

They were great, especially touring with Nick as normally when he's on tour I don't see him for maybe a month at a time. It was cool having him around everyday. We did try and see the sights in London and some of Europe but it's so hard when you only do a couple of nights stop over. It's so tiring that sometimes we end up just hanging out in our hotels.

Are there any stars out there that you still want to meet?

Oh yeah loads! Meeting Michael Jackson was always my dream since I can remember but I've done that now so anything else is just a bonus. I guess I'd like to meet Eminem. He's cool, and J Lo. Anyone really! I've got loads of idols!

Do you go to a regular school? What subjects do you love/hate?

I don't go to a regular school now cause I'm away from home so much. I haven't escaped it though cause I have a tutor that travels with me so I have to study everyday which can be a real drag. I really hate Maths but I guess most kids do. My favourite subject at school was always English 'cause I enjoy reading.

You appeared in an episode of Sabrina The Teenage Witch. If you had magic powers, what would be the first thing you'd do?

That's an easy one, become invisible! I think every kid would. Then you could get away with everything, hide from your parents, go out late at night, sneak into places. You could do anything!

What's the maddest and baddest thing you and your brother Nick have ever got up to? Oh go on, tell us!

On tour once in Chicago me and Nick had the day off, it was raining and we were stuck in the hotel really bored. We got some cellophane and put it across the toilet seats in the lobby. There were some pretty unhappy people walking about after that!

You've got a twin sister, Angel? Do you do things like finish each others sentences?

Yeah, definitely but at the moment we're apart for ages which can be really tough. There have been a couple of times when we've been apart when we've really needed to talk to each other and we've just called at exactly the same time. That kind of thing can be weird but we're not that spooky. We just miss each other loads!

Do you have a laugh when you see those really early photos of you? Or do you want to run a mile?

Run a mile! Well, I guess everyone has to put up with their kid photos but it's real embarrassing when you see them in magazines and stuff. I can't avoid it though cause my mom insists on keeping them round the house so my friends really laugh at me when they come round!

* Watch out for Aaron's new single Leave It Up To Me which is featured in top new Nickelodeon flick Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius!

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