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Title: The World According To Aaron Carter
Date: June 10, 2002
Author: Melissa
Topic: Article/Interview
Pick: Yes

Aaron Carter firmly believes the record company can best be compared to a clever little system known as the food chain. The fans at the top, media savvy and ready to either embrace you or throw you to the lions, Aaron believes that a lot of media big wigs underestimate the power of the people.

Sitting on the astroturf in the practice bubble of Giant's Stadium, Aaron reflects on the importance of the fans(besides the fact that they pay his bills).

"Fans are the most important thing to me, " explains Aaron," I think a lot of people at labels put fans aside and think press is more important than the fans...but, press IS the fans. If I had to choose between an interview with 'People Magazine' or a signing with fans, I'd take the signing with the fans without even thinking about it. "

For being 14 years old, Aaron sounds wise beyond his years.

Check out the New Aaron Carter Contest and Win Signed Stuff!

Speaking of a new album, Aaron's success with his previous efforts have ensured him main stream success, and this upcoming album should fair no differently. Aaron has plans to devise his final track list of surefire fan favorites. How will he do this, you ask? Why, by getting his fans to pick those very tracks themselves!

Genius, I know.

"What I really wanna do," says Aaron, "is just take the 20 or so tracks that I've recorded and put them on my site and just have the fans pick and choose what they want. Sort of get back to a more interactive thing, I guess. I want this new album to be something the fans really love."

Aaron's new album, tentatively scheduled for release on August 20th, will be titled "Not Another Earthquake," the name representing how the boy wonder is back to shake up the music industry. Collaborating with writers and producers and trying his hand at writing this time around, Aaron explains why he's slightly hesitant to become a one man show where writing and producing new material is concerned.

"Well I mean, I will always have people helping me out with writing and producing, ya know? Producers are there to do a job, and they do their thing like no one else, so I don't think that right now I'll be trying to do all the producing or writing."

Aaron will be going out on tour to support this new album, but fans, there is a catch-Aaron is touring ala Nsync and Britney style, playing his new material before it's released to the general public, taking his new music live one city at a time.

Also deciding harness his star power to raise awareness on issues that are important to him, Aaron's decided to start his own charity benefiting cerebral palsy, a disease that hit close to home when he learned someone on his road crew was affected.

"It's good to make a difference, and it's good to help people, " says Aaron thoughtfully. " I mean, I'm the type of person who would do anything to help anyone, I'd give an arm and a leg to someone if I thought it'd help them lead a better life. I'm definitely planning on doing events like football games and basketball games to try and raise money for this cause, or even just try to get the fans to learn more about what's going on with cerebral palsy, ya know?"

With Aaron's hordes of fans, I don't think that will be hard to accomplish.

After working on new material for an album, sharing philosophies on the music industry, and sharing his plans to make the world a better place, Aaron also mentions something that he's been striving to achieve for the last 14 years: being cool.

"I just try to blend in and act like everyone else. I'm really into dirt biking," says Aaron with a lopsided grin, "and I love when I break a leg or something doing dirt biking, because I can just go up to people and be like 'Yeah, ya know, I was dirt biking on this huge hill, and I just fell and broke my leg. It was so dangerous.' Because, how can you not be cool when you're pulling a stunt like that?"

Oh, Aaron.

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