Title: Aaron Carter on Life and Love
Date: August, 2002
Author: Valerie Nome
Source: Katrillion
Source: http://www.katrillion.com/music/music_feature.jsp?categoryId=6&newsId=22548&nl=20020805
Location: US
Topic: Article/Interview
When fans see Aaron Carter on the road this summer, they have the teen idol to thank for the experience.
"I was actually cast for the DreamWorks version of 'Peter Pan,'" Aaron told Katrillion. "I had a choice of the tour or the movie. I picked the tour because you know, my fans. A movie can come in time."
Instead, the boy wonder is embarking on his sixth concert tour, dubbed Rock, Rap and Retro. His previous two outings were called Aaron's Party and Aaron's Winter Party.
For the tour, he's bringing fellow teen acts Jump5, No Secrets and Triple Image on the road. They should have a blast, if you ask former Aaron opening act A*Teens.
"We used to play basketball with him," Amit Paul told Katrillion. "He's cool."
Aaron has certainly accomplished many things in his 14 years. He recently completed a stint in "Seussical" on Broadway.
"It was cool, but it was hard being away from home and never seeing my family for two months. Seriously, it was cool because I met a lot of new people out there."
Aaron, who performed three shows with big brother Nick Carter this summer, clearly emulates his older sibling. However, like Jamie Lynn Spears and her big sister Britney Spears, it is apparent that the two are not only each other's biggest fans, the are also one another's biggest competitors.
"It's harder being solo," Aaron said. "In a boy group, you can take turns because you don't sing the whole song. I sing and dance at the same time and I have to keep on doing it. It's easier for Nick, I'm sure."
"I feel like one of those hype men," Nick said of performing with his little brother. "Like Kid Rock or something, 'Yeah, yeah ... what, what!' He's doing all the work and it's really fun. I just gotta teach him how to dance."
Being a top star doesn't mean Aaron has achieved all his dreams though. He admits he is "single" and looking for a girlfriend. Of course, he has a fantasy in mind.
"Sandra Bullock," Aaron said. "Marry me. You know, I'm underage, but marry me. I'm in love with her."
Aaron may have a chance with the "Speed" siren in a few years. Us Weekly reported that the 38-year-old is dating her "Murder by Numbers" co-star Ryan Gosling, who is 21.
Oh Aaron!