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Title: Aaron Carter feared for parents' lives on 9-11
Source: Los Angeles Daily News
Source: Gossip Section
Date: September 11, 2002
Topic: Article/Interview
Pick: Yes

Aaron Carter feared for parents' lives on 9-11

Aaron Carter is making a concert swing through Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York this week, on a tour schedule pretty much the same as he had last year at this time - a time that the 14-year-old pop music prince, like countless others, will never forget.

"I witnessed it. The plane flew over my head. I saw it fly into the World Trade Center," says Carter, who was in a limousine with his tour manager, heading to Newark airport the morning of Sept. 11. His parents were leaving on a flight ahead of his. The limo had engine trouble, and the driver had pulled over on the New Jersey Turnpike. As the young man saw the conflagration in the distance, he feared it was his parents' plane.

"It was so terrifying. I'm trying to call them, and the phone's shut off. There's no clue what's going on. And we're freaking out, you know?" he recalls. "We sat in the limo and watched the buildings collapse." About an hour and a half later, he finally learned his mother and father were OK.

Since then, Carter's made a point of not letting post-9-11 fears inhibit him, and he was part of the "A Capitol Fourth" Independence Day show on the lawn of the Capitol last July before an audience of hundreds of thousands.

"Yeah, I was a little nervous. Knowing that this could possibly be one of the biggest terrorist targets in the world? It couldn't not frighten me," admits Aaron. "But when I got down to it, I felt everything was going to be fine, and I went out and had a good time."

With reports by Stephanie DuBois and Erick Johnson. The Celebrities column appears Monday through Thursday.

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