Title: Girls Scouts Abuzz Pver Pop Music Trio
Source: The Virginian-Pilot(Norfolk, Va.)
Author: Joanna Breault
Date: September 1, 2002
Topic: Other
For most of the Girl Scouts assembled, the singing group "Triple Image" was, until recently, unknown. After all, the pop music trio who toured with *NSYNC and with preteen heartthrob Aaron Carter released their first album only a few weeks ago.
But it didn't matter. In the moments leading up to their arrival at A Place for Girls, the room almost visibly quivered with anticipation. There was plenty of time to quiver. Triple Image's pink and blue tour bus was stuck in traffic in Virginia Beach and delivered the energetic sisters 45 minutes late. But the delay only heightened the excitement.
"My mom can tell you how much I want to be a diva," said Kirstin Havron, 11, bouncing up and down in her front-row seat. "It looks cool and I love to sing."
Kirstin had heard Triple Image on Radio Disney and planned to hear them later that evening in Virginia Beach as the opening act for Aaron Carter.
"Their music is fun, and you can dance to it," she explained.
Meanwhile, the Girl Scouts at the front of the room reviewed their questions.
Frankie Moore, Krista Patrick and Emily Bond, all Scouts who work or volunteer at A Place for Girls, were chosen to interview the stars. In spite of the buzz around them, the interviewers remained calm.
Scouting teaches them that, they said.
"I like forensics and I want to be a lawyer," said Krista, 14. "Girl Scouts has helped me feel comfortable getting up in front of people. We're always teaching games, leading songs and doing demonstrations."
Krista's stage presence is unmistakable. Emily, too, with her sweet soft voice, is confident and well spoken.
"I like talking in front of people," the 13-year-old said. "Girl Scouts boosts your self-esteem a lot."
As Triple Image walked through the door, the room exploded into applause and squeals. Twins Brittney and Bridgett, 13, and little sister Brianna made their way to the chairs on stage. The sisters, who have the same manager as Britney Spears and *NSYNC, appeared surprisingly like any middle-schoolers as they answered questions about their hobbies (go-carts and dogs) and about their family in Florida.
Of course, someone from the audience wanted to know what it's like to work with Aaron Carter.
"He's really hyper," said Brianna. "You know ... he's a boy!"
After a second interview, (there were not enough seats for all the Scouts in one session), Krista, Emily and Frankie took Triple Image outside to show them the "outback," which includes a boardwalk through the woods, canoe docks, a fitness trail, and an elevated observation area.
"They really enjoyed it," said Frankie, 16. "They had never seen anything like it." Brianna didn't want to leave, Frankie said.
All three of the Scouts were pleasantly surprised how "down to earth" the celebrities were.
"I expected a 'nose-in-the-air' attitude," Frankie confessed. "I thought they'd be like, 'Why are we here?' But they weren't. They had lots of fun."
Emily added, "I think they were happy to see kids their own age and play and talk with them."
Some of those who met the singers were given fresh hope to pursue their own dreams.
"It sounds really fun to do what you love. Now I know girls my age who actually made it to where they are, as big as they are," said Emily.