Title: Plugged In Music Review - Aaron's Party (Come Get It)
Source: Plugged In
Source: http://www.family.org/pplace/pi/music/a0016357.html
Date: June, 2001
Topic: Aaron's Party Album Review
Artist: Aaron Carter
Album: Aaron's Party (Come Get It)
Genre: Pop/R&B/Rap
Chart Action: Million-seller climbed all the way to number 4.
Reviewed By: Bob Waliszewski
Pro-Social Content: A schoolyard fantasy ends with Carter besting Lakers center Shaquille O?Neal in a game of one-on-one ("That?s How I Beat Shaq"). Innocent fun also takes the fore on "Bounce" and the nonsensical, hand-jiving tracks "Iko Iko" and "The Clapping Song." Puppy love is in full bloom with "Girl You Shine." After throwing a forbidden bash on "Aaron?s Party (Come Get It)," the artist regrets his irresponsible decision as punishment looms.
Objectionable Content: "Real Good Time" repeats the confession, "Maybe I curse . . . When I hear you tellin? lies/I just wanna terrorize." On the title track, Carter downplays studying and buys into the preadolescent caste system that values some kids over others. Also, he becomes infatuated with a girl he knows only through hours spent online ("My Internet Girl"). An interlude features an inappropriate prank phone call.
Summary/Advisory: Not a deplorable disc, but it could have used some fine-tuning. Considering this 12-year-old?s target audience of preteens, he carries himself with a flip irreverence some parents will find disconcerting.