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Title: Aaron Carter & Mom Plan Monkees-Like TV Series
Source: CDNOW: Allstar News Article
Date: Sep 18, 2002
Author: Karen Bliss
Topic: News

Aaron Carter, who, until now, has only appeared as himself in music television specials, says he will act on the small screen "pretty soon."

"It would be a TV series. My mom would be producer and Clifton Jones, Big Percy, would be co-producer. We have a lot of our crew helping out," Carter said.

He clarified that he would not be playing himself. "We would be playing different characters. It would be like a Saturday Night Live show. It's funny. Like slapstick. Like The Monkees," Carter said, as his mother and manager, Jane Carter, fed him some of the information in the background.

The 15-year-old pop singer-rapper is currently promoting his fourth full-length album, Another Earthquake. He has appeared in Michael Jackson's 30th anniversary celebration, on the Teen Choice Awards, and in concert with Samantha Mumba, but never in a motion picture or television sitcom.

Carter admitted that he is hesitant to try acting because of the attempts from fellow singers to cross into that world. "Every other singer is trying to act. I mean, Britney has acted. Jessica Simpson. There's not a singer out there who hasn't acted. I want to try acting. I don't want to copy everybody else."

With his mother producing a TV show for him, it ensures that his first foray into acting will be unique. No further details are available.

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