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Title: Aaron Carter beats up shark
Source: The Sun
Date: September 21, 2002
Author: Dominic Mohan
Topic: News

TEEN star AARON CARTER narrowly escaped death in an attack by a hammerhead shark.

The singer shot the beast with his speargun as it went to bite him and was dragged 40ft through the sea as it fled with a spear stuck in it with a line attached.

Aaron furiously punched at the thrashing hammerhead before breaking free and swimming for shore off Florida. Aaron, who had a Top 20 hit in April with Leave It Up To Me, said: "It was terrifying. Right when he was about to bite me I shot him in the stomach and he dragged me. The shark was going crazy." A pal of the singer said: "Aaron and a mate were on a spear-fishing holiday. They were deep in the water when the shark attacked. It's lucky Aaron had his wits about him."

In a magazine interview in 1997 Aaron, the brother of BACKSTREET BOY NICK CARTER, jokingly said: "I won't get bitten by a shark, I can swim too fast." He was right.

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