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Title: Aaron's Party Album Review
Source: The Boston Herald
Source: ARTS & LIFE; Pg. 059
Date: October 8, 2000
Topic: Aaron's Party Album Review
Author: Sarah Rodman


Aaron's Party (Come and Get It)


One star

Aaron Carter certainly acts his age on his debut. The 12-year-old sings about having parties while your parents are away and uses prank phone calls as between-song interludes.

This little brother of Backstreet Boy Nick - who makes a cell phone cameo - has already sold gold overseas with a previous album and no doubt expects to do the same here with "Aaron's Party (Come and Get It)."

Aaron and Nick share more than blond hair and a record company. Their music resides in the same bubblegum soul category. The difference is that Aaron's is more juvenile. When some of his party pals spill juice on his mom's cushions, well, that's about as serious as Aaron's problems get.

Aaron isn't much of a ballad singer, but he's even worse when he tries to rap. Attendance at "Aaron's Party" should be strictly limited to the Radio Disney set.

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