Title: Nickelodeon Online Chat
Date: June, 2001
Source: http://www.nick.com/blab/past_chats/archive_aaron2.jhtml
Topic: Article/Interview
Aaron Carter Chat 2
NICKBird: Send us your questions for the party man himself- Aaron Carter!
NICKBird: Aaron Carter will be joining us in the chatroom soon!
NICKBird: Send us your questions for everybody's favorite Carter - Aaron Carter!!Just type your question in the text box and hit Send!
NICKyapper: Hey there Blabbers!
NICKyapper: Welcome to the Blab-a-Torium!
NICKyapper: I am so excited that Aaron Carter is back to chat with us!
NICKyapper: This will be his second time in our Blab-a-torium!
bratgirl9: hi nickbird
teengal85: hey nickbird!how are your feathers?
ChIcKpEa08: hey nickbird!
NICKyapper: Hey there, Bird-o-Rama!
NICKBird: Hi there Yapperoni!
NICKyapper: How is my fine feathered friend?
NICKBird: I wonder who will be the first one to ask their question tonight?
bratgirl9: hi nickbird
NICKBird: hi there bratgirl!! Glad ya made it!
NICKBird: We're getting ready for the party man-Aaron Carter-to join us here LIVE at nick.com's headquarters.
NICKyapper: Aaron is on his way up to the Blab-a-Torium as I type...
NICKyapper: So send your QUESTIONS NOW!!!!
teengal85: hey nickbird!how are your feathers?
NICKBird: :::glueing feathers on teengal's nose BECAUSE I CAN!:::
ChIcKpEa08: hey nickbird!
NICKBird: hey hey chickpea!
NICKBird: :::putting wings on Yapper tonight BECAUSE I CAN::::
crushonAC: hey nickyapper
Elisa4032: Nice feathers, Nickbird!!Can i have one for showing tell?
NICKBird: sure Elisa but not the GOLDEN one! :)
NICKBird: I'm so excited!!!Aaron's your Favorite Rising Star and he's mine too!Send in your questions right away so we're ready to lay them on him as soon as he arrives!
NICKyapper: Hello, Kids TV!
NICKyapper: Are you all ready to chat with Aaron Carter????!!1!
NICKyapper: Well get ready.... cause here he COMES!!!!
BSBfan10: yes!!!!!!!!!
Geniusboye: I'm ready.
NICKBird: LOL well he isn't wearing the pie still from the Kids Choice Awards!
NICKyapper: Ok folks!
NICKyapper: Say hi to Aaron Carter!!!!!
Aaron_Carter: Hello everybody!
NICKBird: Hi Aaron!Our first question of the night comes from teengal85 ...
teengal85: I really want to know what Aaron did for his mother on mother's day
Aaron_Carter: I actually couldn't do anything because she was in Florida and I was in New York...
Aaron_Carter: I was doing "Seussical!"
NICKBird: klief is singing this question out to you .. with a great voice too!
klief: what is your favorite song you have ever sung?
Aaron_Carter: It's actually one called "Hey You"--it's on the album, it's not finished yet....
NICKyapper: Oooh!Something to look forward to....
NICKBird: coolsaturn would love some advice from you :)
coolsaturn: what advice would you give to people trying to achieve their goals?
Aaron_Carter: I'd have to say just concentrate on what you're doing...
Aaron_Carter: spend a lot of time with your friends..your friends and family are the people who are going to help you get to the top.
NICKBird: DYKacsHot (along with a LOT of other kids) loved watching you on the Kids Choice Awards!
DYKacsHot: How did it feel to win a Kid's Choice Award for favorite rising star?
Aaron_Carter: I was really surprised...I was up against a lot of really talented people...
Aaron_Carter: it was my first award, so it was fun!
NICKyapper: It felt great watching it!
NICKBird: acarter87 thought all week about a unique question to ask you!
acarter87: If GOD gave you the choice to become any animal you want which one would you choose? why?
Aaron_Carter: that's a good question...I'd have to say...
Aaron_Carter: a coyote or a rattlesnake...just because rattlesnakes are very powerful...
Aaron_Carter: high up on the food chain...they're not killed very often. People are scared of 'em.
NICKBird: caraluvsac must have been thinking of you when she made her name! She has been hanging up pictures of you all over the BLAB-A-TORIUM!
caraluvsac: what is it like knowing that thousands of girls have pics of you on their walls does it freak you out
NICKyapper: It freaks me out!
Aaron_Carter: not really...I do get freaked out sometimes....
Aaron_Carter: but I think it's kinda cool.
Aaron_Carter: I'm used to it.
NICKBird: aaronfan12 has one of the traditional Blab questions for ya and I have a feather for you if you answer correctly (or slime if you answer wrong)
aaronfan12: what is your favorite pet?
NICKyapper: Cause he has A LOT of them!
Aaron_Carter: My favorite pet is...good question...I'll have to say "Pharaoh," my dog.
NICKBird: Time for trivia from wildport
willdport: What was your 1st released album?
Aaron_Carter: My first released album was "Aaron Carter."
NICKyapper: Nice title!Straight and to the point!
NICKBird: There are LOTS of aaronfan names .. this is #16 .. AaronFan16
AaronFan16: Hi Aaron! I can't wait till I see you this summer in August! What's your favorite song to sing in the shower?
Aaron_Carter: In the shower?hmmm...good question.
Aaron_Carter: There's a song called "Outstanding" from an old group "The Gap Band."
NICKBird: ally564 loves Lizzy McGuire
ally564: Did you like being on LIZZIE MCGUIRE television show?
Aaron_Carter: yeah, it was really fun...I had a good time.
Aaron_Carter: Everyone was really nice to me...it was cool!
NICKBird: Cutie8912 would love to know the flavor of the pie I bet!
Cutie8912: did you like the pie in your face?
Aaron_Carter: It was shaving cream and it got in my eyes and my eye got infected!
Aaron_Carter: I couldn't see...I just thought "forget it" and walked off the stage!
NICKBird: yanks1151 wonders who or what influenced you
yanks1151: Who were some of your role models growing up?
Aaron_Carter: Michael Jackson was a big influence and role model for me.
Aaron_Carter: I listen to his stuff to this day.
NICKBird: ksss has this huge funny hat on while asking this ...
ksss: Did you enjoy the Seussical Musical? Tell us what that was like everyday, if you can, please.
NICKyapper: Look how polite!
Aaron_Carter: It was really fun...it kinda got in a pattern in my mind and I kept doing it...do the show, go to the apartment...
Aaron_Carter: but I had a good time, everyone was nice....and I just had my trailing yesterday--which is where I leave the show.
NICKyapper: Is it different being on Broadway then being in a concert?
NICKyapper: He is thinking...
Aaron_Carter: The show was always the same but the concert you could change around if you want to and you could talk more freely.
NICKBird: mjw13 is trying to get smarter and smarter!
mjw13: What is your fave t.v show mine is get smart?
Aaron_Carter: My favorite TV show is "Frasier."
NICKBird: Our very own NICKZa saw you in Seussical too! But she couldn't make it past all the screaming girls to say hi!Stellify would like to know ...
stellify: Who was your closest friend in the cast of Seussical?
Aaron_Carter: That's a good question..probably Jerome Vivona.
Aaron_Carter: He was a really close friend...He was always next to me, standing next to me....He was in the show, too.
Aaron_Carter: He was one of the ensemble.
NICKBird: ghostman1 is hoping for some inside scoop!
ghostman1: are you allowed to say when your next album is coming out and if so when
Aaron_Carter: yeah, My next album will be out August 6th.
Aaron_Carter: Albums always come out on Tuesdays!
NICKyapper: Oh WOW!That is going in my calendar
NICKBird: KrisMyst always takes you seriously!
KrisMyst: What would you say to people who don't take you seriously simply because of your age?
Aaron_Carter: I don't take them seriously!
Aaron_Carter: So if they don't take me seriously, I won't be offended.
NICKyapper: Good Answer!
NICKBird: sublimey9 has a measuring tape if ya need it :)
Sublimey9: How tall are you?
Aaron_Carter: I am 5'8"
Aaron_Carter: yeah...I grew two inches in like a month.
NICKBird: CarterFan5 can't wait for your next album!
CarterFan5: is it true you and Nick have a duet on your upcoming album?
Aaron_Carter: yes.
Aaron_Carter: It's not an actual album...Nick will be on a couple songs on my new album, but we don't have a whole album together.
NICKBird: ACzAkaLaur highlighted this question!
ACzAkaLaur: What would u say, the highlight of you career has been?????
Aaron_Carter: The highlight of my career right now is probably...probably the tours I've been doing.
NICKBird: :::did you come here for a pie sir?:::
NICKBird: crushonAC is sooo very excited to be here!
crushonAC: lots of people would love to meet you! (including myself) if you could meet one person in the world who would it be?
Aaron_Carter: Michael Jackson!
NICKBird: MichBot1 sat up straight when you said TOUR!
MichBot1: Can you tell us anything about your tour? I can't wait to see it!!
Aaron_Carter: well, my tour is a surprise..can't tell ya yet!
Aaron_Carter: I don't want to ruin the surprise.
NICKyapper: Bummer!
NICKBird: Cello Girl has been talking about you all over our message boards!You should drop in sometime!
Cello Girl: What is it like to come from such a musical family?Is your family very supportive of your career?
Aaron_Carter: My family is very supportive..they help me a lot.
Aaron_Carter: It's kinda cool to come from a musical family...my brother helps me out a lot.
Aaron_Carter: My brother especially has helped me out, getting started.
Aaron_Carter: It's cool Leslie's getting into it, too!
NICKBird: Karen92 is a movie fan!
Karen92: Have you ever thought of starring in a movie?
Aaron_Carter: Actually I'm working on it right now but we haven't really started anything quite yet.
NICKyapper: More inside scoop!!! Keep your eyes out for Aaron at a theatre near you!!
NICKBird: Alibratt wishes to become a world traveler :)
Alibratt: What place that you've performed in would you like tovisit again?
Aaron_Carter: I liked them all..they were all really good places.
Aaron_Carter: I can't say that one is better than another.
Aaron_Carter: They always schedule enough time for me to spend some time in each place.
NICKBird: Jojosgal6 has a question and a comment :)
JojosGal6: Do you know what your album will be called? Or are you still thinking? By the way, you rocked in Seussical yesterday!
Aaron_Carter: Thank you!Last night was my last show, too.
Aaron_Carter: The album...we don't know the name yet.
NICKBird: fleurabc is our Blab athlete!You should see the equipment on the other side of the Blab couch!
fleurabc: Hi aaron, what sport do you like the most, andwhy?,
Aaron_Carter: football, because I get to get all my anger out...tackle my brother...which usually never happens!
NICKBird: gpwuz based this question on really really wanting to know ...
gpwuz: r ur songs based on things that really happen?
NICKyapper: Definitely - "How I beat Shaq!"
Aaron_Carter: Most of the time, yeah.
Aaron_Carter: except for "How I beat Shaq"--that one's not real!
NICKBird: bradzzez loves talk shows!
bradzzez: I saw you on Rosie the other day do you like doing talk shows?
NICKyapper: We love Rosie over here on Nickelodeon!
Aaron_Carter: yeah, they're really fun...especially with Rosie, because she's a really nice person.
NICKBird: Jimcx was wishing to have their question chosen! So I chose it!
Jincx: If you had three wishes what would they be?
IAmCandi: oh Yeah Rosie Rocks
Aaron_Carter: one: peace for the world...world peace.
Aaron_Carter: two: hmm....get rid of all the sharks in the ocean, so I could swim in it.
Aaron_Carter: And I'm definitely scared to death of them!
Aaron_Carter: third:a lifetime supply of candy!
NICKBird: P18 was so nervous asking you this question!
P18: Aaron is it nerve wrecking when you get up on stage?
Aaron_Carter: Not really anymore...It used to be but it's scarier performing in front of 20 people, rather than 20,000.
vanna p: are you involved in any charities? If so, which ones?
NICKyapper: Great Question!!!
Aaron_Carter: I am involved with "Make A Wish."
Aaron_Carter: I've been helping them and supporting them for about 3 years now.
NICKyapper: Oh - the "Make a Wish Foundation" is wonderful!
NICKyapper: They grant last wishes of terminally ill children!
NICKBird: This was the number one question they asked on the Nick.com message boards .. they all want to know what your ideal is .. so this is asked by pkmn boy ::pika pika::
pkmn boy: what qualities do you look for in a girl??
Aaron_Carter: I don't know....it doesn't really matter, just as long as she has a really good personality.
NICKBird: ac4ever loves the ocean! (and obviously adores you too)
ac4ever: is it true you r gonna stop singer at 16 to go to college to become a marine biologist?
Aaron_Carter: Yes.
NICKyapper: How come?
Aaron_Carter: Yes.
Aaron_Carter: Just because i lived by the water all my life..I love the ocean and I love discovering different kind of fish...
NICKyapper: Yeah, but what about the sharks?
Aaron_Carter: That'll take a while...I'm still trying to get over it.
NICKBird: meggirl22 is afraid of heights and is asking this with feet planted firmly on the floor!
meggirl22: Was it scary to fly over the crowd at the kids choice awards?
Aaron_Carter: It wasn't really that scary. It was more fun. I had a good time with it.
Aaron_Carter: Lil' Bow Wow was really nice.
NICKBird: abc1 is already looking toward the future :)
abcl: what college do you want to go to?
abcl: what college do you want to go to?
Aaron_Carter: probably FSU or UCLA.
NICKyapper: Both by the water!
NICKBird: macmode doesn't have a question but has a really sweet comment :)
macmode: Aaron, thanx for being my inspiration for 4 years. You've been my fave singer forever. I just wanted to deeply thanx you for that. Good luck with the rest of your career. ~Lotsa Luv, *Carrie* NICKyapper: Wow!
NICKyapper: That is so Sweet!
NICKyapper: She will be the first in line, I am sure!
Aaron_Carter: thank you, Carrie....my new album will be out August 6th!
NICKBird: We received a LOT of mail at nick.com this week from kids who couldn't make it to the chat.One of the kids would like to know ::::tearing open envelope with beak::: Aaron, we know you have lots of pets.Can you give us an update on your critter?
Aaron_Carter: my critters! I have an new dog--a red Doberman "Zena"
Aaron_Carter: I have 24 pets now!
Aaron_Carter: actually 25.
Aaron_Carter: They have their own little home..we've got little homes for them.
NICKBird: aaron mine(that is a screen name, I wasn't saying you were mine lol) .. anyway, aaron mine wonders ...
aaron mine: What was your favourite music video? and why?
Aaron_Carter: I don't really know...probably Michael Jackson's "Bad" video.
Aaron_Carter: of my own, probably "Crazy Little Party Girl"...the video not the song, cuz it was shot up in Canada at Whistler Mountain.
NICKBird: Elisa4032 hopes you get time to relax! :)
Elisa4032: What's the best place for you to relax and have a break from all of your screaming fans?
Aaron_Carter: home...Home!
NICKBird: ::::singing like Gir:: dooom doom doooom .. invadaZIM9 has a question for ya!
invadaZIM9: Who was your favorite star to meet at the KCA?
NICKyapper: Me!
NICKBird: ::dumping a little slime on Yapper::::
NICKyapper: Hey!
Aaron_Carter: probably...I don't have a favorite celebrity, I knew everybody there...I saw Madonna, she was my favorite person to meet.
NICKyapper: That's Cool!
NICKBird: Catie2000 is our Blab reader!
Catie2000: Do you like Harry Potter?
Aaron_Carter: I do like Harry Potter...my favorite was "The Sorcerer's Stone."
Aaron_Carter: volume one.
NICKBird: surfbabe is like totally awesome, dude!
SurfBabe24: Can you Surf Aaron?
Aaron_Carter: no, but I jet ski.
peachkiwi: Aaron your dancing is so awesome. It inspires me so much. i wanna say you strike my dancing like a spear of light. I Luv U!!!:-)
Aaron_Carter: thank you, peachkiwi!
NICKyapper: Fruity!
NICKBird: Lins8903 is one of your fans .. but a NICE one lol
Lins8903: lol, whats the worst a fan has ever done to you!??-from Lindsay! :)
Aaron_Carter: I don't know, nothing really bad..
Aaron_Carter: they just like jumping on the back of the bus, trying to open the bus...
Aaron_Carter: but nothing seriously bad.
NICKBird: Here is another question from the mailbag "When you are sad, how do you cheer yourself up?"
Aaron_Carter: I just....probably, a lot of things...I sit around or climb trees.
NICKBird: ACnMN4eva has a comment, a loud scream and a really fun question!
ACnMN4eva: OMG Aaron i love you sooooo much!!!! But i was just wondering....what is your shoe size? Love always and forever with all my heart~Meg...I LOVE YOU!!!!! ~*MuaH*~
NICKyapper: Right back at you!
Aaron_Carter: my shoe size?my shoe size is 9 1/2.
NICKBird: top has a terrific name and a great question too!
top: What is your usual daily schedule?
Aaron_Carter: getting up in the morning...then it depends on what I'm doing...
Aaron_Carter: if i'm home I might get up at 3:00 in the afternoon...I don't really have anything planned always.
Aaron_Carter: I do a lot of rehearsing.
NICKBird: spike010 didn't say what their favorite cartoon is but would like to know yours :)
Spike010: what is your favorite cartoon?
Aaron_Carter: My favorite cartoon is "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" but they don't run that anymore...
NICKBird: puppydoggy is a shopaholic!
puppydoggy: Where do you usally go shopping?
Aaron_Carter: the mall...it depends.
Aaron_Carter: I shop usually when I'm on tour.
Aaron_Carter: I'm a difficult shopper because I change my mind...every 4 seconds!
NICKBird: meggirl22 wonders about the life of a star :)
meggirl22: Do you have home schooling or do you go to a private school(i know a public school is out of the question lol)?
Aaron_Carter: I have home schooling.
Aaron_Carter: I can't even go to a private school.
Aaron_Carter: When I'm on tour I just hang out, do the show, have fun...
Aaron_Carter: I have a tutor with me but not in the summertime.
NICKBird: rissarat has a bribe .. I mean a QUESTION
rissarat: Also what's your favorite Ice cream flavor?I might have to
buy you some!
Aaron_Carter: chocolate!
NICKBird: Sarina01 promised to do all your chores for a week(OUCH! I
was kidding! Don't kick!
Sarina01: Do you have chores?
Aaron_Carter: yeah...my chore is taking out the garbage.
Aaron_Carter: I've had to do that for 11 years...since I was one year
NICKBird: hhsangel was prepared to ask you this!
hhsangel: What do you do to get prepared for a show?
Aaron_Carter: I have a prayer before I start the concert.
Aaron_Carter: with everybody in my whole crew...it's like a
passed-down tradition from a long time ago.
NICKBird: Canada2001 wasn't too embarrassed to ask this :)
Canada2001: Did you ever do something embrassing on stage while
singing to everyone?
Aaron_Carter: I messed up my lines one time and I just stopped
Aaron_Carter: I had nothing to say!
NICKyapper: Oops!
NICKBird: madabtu owes me some sunflower seeds for using their
question .. neener neener
madabtu: ive tried asking like a zillion times please andswer! what is
your favorite snack?
Aaron_Carter: fruit roll-ups!
NICKyapper: Me TOO!We are meant to be!!!
NICKBird: tweetyfun has a question that I never heard before!
tweetyfun: Is it true you are allergic to lacteose products?
NICKyapper: That means MILK...
NICKyapper: by the way!
Aaron_Carter: Yes, it is. but it depends on what it is...
Aaron_Carter: with milk, nothing really happens..I drink it all the
Aaron_Carter: to have healthy bones, cuz I break them all the time!
NICKBird: Aaron, lipgirl24 has a very unique question that will give
you the opportunity to turn the interview around to your fans .. are
ya game?Ask it and we will show you as many answers as possible in 15
seconds lol
Lipgirl24: if you could ask a fan one question what would it be?
Aaron_Carter: How does it feel to be normal?!
AaronFan16: boring!
NICKBird: I guess AaronFan16 was the only answer lol
ginnylynni: do you still drive motorcycles?
Aaron_Carter: Yeah, I stopped a while because I almost broke my leg.
Aaron_Carter: I've been going through therapy because I almost broke
it on a motorcycle..but now I'm back.
NICKBird: mouseclick has an amusing question! :)
MouseClick: What's you favorite thing to do at an amusement park?
sjo510: will you tell your mom the books she wrote on nick and you
were great?
Aaron_Carter: yes, I will.She's not here right now, she just left. But
I promise to tell her.
NICKyapper: This is going to have to be our last question!
NICKBird: This is our last question and then we would love to hear
about your upcoming plans ...catlinwas is daydreaming about being you
catlinwas: aaron what is the best part about being a popstar?
NICKyapper: Good Q to finish on!
Aaron_Carter: probably traveling and meeting new people, experiencing
different cultures.
NICKyapper: Hey Aaron!Thanks for Blabbing with us!
Aaron_Carter: Get my album on August 6th...and my new tour starts June
ACzMiHotti: ur soo adorable!
ducky23: Bye Aaron!!
NICKBird: ::handing Aaron a pie to throw at Yapper::::
NICKyapper: It has been great Blabbin' with you!
Aaron_Carter: Hey, I love you guys!See ya later!
NICKyapper: Later!!!!
NICKyapper: Aaron will be performing at the winner of "Nick Takes over
your School" tomorrow!
NICKBird: :::taking the pie and throwing it at Yapper myself:::: he is
just too kind
cherry on top of yer head!
NICKBird: See? no slime tonight just like I promised :)
NICKBird: :::batting birdie eyebrows and acting so innocent::::
NICKyapper: Ack!
NICKyapper: At least it isn't shaving cream!
NICKyapper: yummm... boston cream....
aaronfan12: can we get a copy of this chat? a transcript?
NICKyapper: Sure thing!
NICKyapper: WE will be posting it in the Past chats area just as soon
as we can!
NICKyapper: Should be pretty soon!
NICKBird: What an awesome chat!!
NICKBird: Hey everyone!! Race ya back to the message boards .. let's
go tell everyone what they missed at the chat tonight!
NICKBird: some kids couldn't make it and asked us to let them know in
the Celebrity Chats board :)
NICKBird: Night Yappers!!
NICKyapper: Aaron was so fun!and he answered A LOT of questions!
NICKyapper: Grab pie and milk on your way out!
NICKyapper: No cookies tonight!
NICKyapper: Night Birdie!
NICKyapper: Tweet Dreams!