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Title: Aaron Carter, Love Gossip
Topic: Article/Interview
Source: Popstar
Source: Typed in by author of above link
Date: March, 2003

Aaron Carter
Love Gossip
We got him to answer all our nosiest dating questions!

Aaron Carter's concerts raked in over seven billion bucks during 2002, and yet the restless singer plans to switch things up in 2003. Aaron will always be a recording artist and he's still promoting his Jive CD Another Earthquake (which has outsold even big brother Nick's first solo effort, Now or Never), but word is that Aaron will be pursuing more acting opps this year. Following his Family Affair appearance, look for more of him on TV... and maybe even in the movies!

At our shoot, Aaron was excited to tell us this news and to answer all our love questions. In fact, he did it all with a growing sense of maturity and professionalism. He seemed to be more in control then ever, a sign he's growing as a businessperson as well as an artist. He also showed his feisty side, word-associating "family" with "drama," changing in front of everyone (gray boxer briefs). And devilishly asserting that Justin Timberlake would never "beat" Nick Carter's accomplishments... and that Nick could never top Aaron's!

But gone are the days of a hyper Aaron running around the set playing games-he was only too happy to share dating comments and even confirm some celebrity crushes, Despite his grown-up attitude, the main thing that kept Aaron's eye on the ball was the promise that he could do some of his poses for you playing basketball-his wish was our command!

Popstar: Tell us about your new single!

Aaron: The new single is "Do You Remember" and it's basically about me, who is asking this girl if she remembers all the times we had together. Like, I am asking her if she thinks of the times that she showed me new things. You know. The times she was breaking me in. [Giggles]. I don't know, it's kind of like asking if she remembers all the times, the old times.

P: What do you like about this song?

I really liked the production of it. I think it's a great song. I really like all my songs but this one I am really proud of because the whole song was done really well. It's a really great song and I had a lot of fun recording it.

P: Did you make the video for it already?

No, not yet. We're working on the treatment right now, so I am not even sure what it's going to be a out, I am actually going tonight for a meeting to talk about it.

P: Do you have any creative input in your videos?

Oh, yes. I actually have to start thinking about this video tonight and giving them my input. But I've been so busy, I'm not there yet. Like. I have to sit down and think about it because I don't know what it's going to be about yet. But it's cool to be able to do that, so it's a good thing.

P: Regarding this photo shoot... do you like having your picture taken?

Occasionally. Sometimes I do like to show off in front of the camera and try fun things at photo shoots. It depends. Today has been fun. [good answer, kid. --- Ed.]

P: Do you ever get self-conscious in front of the camera?

Sometimes I do, but my attitude is whatever happens, happens. There is nothing you can do about it. Besides, if I get all tense or nervous the pictures won't turn out so great. So I just am cool about it now.

P: Have you ever had a bad picture taken?

Oh God-yes! When I was little, I took some really bad ones. I still see them printed sometimes and I'm just like, "Ewww!" But I take better pictures now.

P: Does it take you a long time to get ready in the morning?

Generally, yeah. But I've recently become quicker. I've quickened a little bit. I just kind of go. I don't stop to do the hair or anything I used to, though. It used to take, like, forever because I needed everything to be like, like, done. Bit I don't know what happened. Now I'm just like, "Whatever!" and I go.

P: Dating... what would your ideal date be like?

My ideal date... let me think about this one. Okay. I'd like to take a girl up on a private jet and fly around for like one day and just bring snacks and movies on the jet.

P: Where would you fly?

We'd go to the Bahamas and when we got there, I'd take her out on a cruise ship and come back home.

P: That's a long date.

I know! I'd be like, "Wanna go on a date with me? Yeah? It'll last three days!"

P: I'm not sure your mom or hers would like that very much!

No, my mom wouldn't mind. She's cool like that. I don't know about the girl's mom, though. [Laughs] I'm not sure they'd be cool with it.

P: What makes a good date?

I think what makes a good date is when you can just be yourself in front of the girl and they're just not weird or anything. Like they're cool.

P: What makes a bad date?

What makes a bad date is doing the same kind of thing over and over. Going to the movies, going to the beach al the time. Doing the same thing. It's better to do something she totally wouldn't expect. Take here to play baseball or something. Take her to go diving or something. Take her to do things that are just out of the ordinary. Things that she wouldn't expect. I think that's what makes everything exciting.

P: Have you ever had a bad date?

As a matter of fact, I have. At first she was like, "Yeah, I'd like to go out and blah, blah, blah." and so I asked her out on a date and she said yes and I took her to a friend of mine's restaurant, a really cool restaurant with really nice people, and as soon as we got there, she was like "I gotta go." Like out of nowhere. And I was like "Huh?" And she was like, "Okay, I'll stay for a little bit." But then I was like "well why would you want to leave?" and she was like, "Ahhh, I don't know." It was so weird and I didn't know what was going through her head, if she had regretted going out, and like, why. What made everything worse was that this was my first date. I was. like, totally new at this. I didn't really know what to do, so I was already nervous. [Laughs].

P: Oh, no!

Yeah! I had been, like, reading The Idiot's Guide for Dating. [Laughs] So I took her to this restaurant and she was trying to leave, I tried to give her a kiss and she ran away! And I was like, "Oh, oh, did my breath stink?" But no, because I know I ate about twenty Tic-Tacs before my date. I wanted it to be perfect. But I guess she liked someone else or something. I never actually found out exactly what happened. Darn it!

P: Did you ever ask her out again?

No, I never did. I couldn't after that.

Which has been your best Valentine's Day card? I don't know that I've ever had, like, a great valentine, but I remember when I was in school I never really used to get Valentine's Day cards and one year I got four or five and I was like, "Wow!" But there were these really, really, really annoying girls that had this little club and they were really annoying-and butt-ugly... ew! I mean, they had braces with, like, tubes going this way or that way-and they were big nerds. And so I was like, "Wow, I finally got some cards and stuff," but it turned out it was them. When I found out, I was freaking out! I got picked on for years after that.

P: Do you like it when girls ask you out on a date or would you rather be the one to ask them out?

It's kind of cool when a girl asks you out because it's different and you wouldn't expect it. So it's kind of cool when a girl, like, takes control.

P: Has that ever happened to you?

Girls have asked me out before, yeah. But sometimes that's not so good when the girl is trying to be the boss and stuff. I do like it, but then if they're too bossy then that's not good. 'Cause I'm like, what am I supposed to do? They're doing everything. You know?

P: What's the most forward thing a girl has ever done to get your attention?

When I was shooting the video for "Bounce," it was under a bridge and at the time I was talking to a girl and I kind of pulled her away from everybody and out of nowhere we were just looking at each other for a while and then she just kissed me! I was about to do it but she got to it first and I was like, "What the ...! Isn't this supposed to be the other way?" I was like, "Oh, my God!" It was kind of weird because it was kind of like my first kiss-I hadn't been kissed in a while and I was like, "Wow!" I dated her for like nine months, too.

P: Why did you break up?

She just lives so far away. She lives in Canada. And she's so great but I think we're too young to have a long distance relationship. We're just like best friends. We keep in touch, though. She's a very sweet girl.

P: Three things you should never forget on a date?

You should never forget to brush your teeth. Bring Tic-Tacs. And have good manners.

Q: Have you ever been too chicken to ask a girl out?

I'm usually chicken each time. I'm kind of scared each time. You know what I'm saying? I don't want to hear, "No." No guy likes to hear that, so whoever says they don't get nervous-they're lying. "No." That's the worst thing you can hear. So I am not as confident as I'd like to be.

Q: Did you ever regret not asking a girl you liked out?

Oh, yeah - Mary-Kate.

Q: As in Mary-Kate and Ashley?

Yeah. She is sooooo...perfect. I just didn't have the guts to ask her out. The chances of her saying no are probably pretty good. But if I am ever in front of her again, I'll probably do it.

Q: What do you like about her?

Everything. There's not one flaw on her.

Q: What about Christina Aguilera? I heard you talking about her earlier.

Oh, my God. Christina is like...I, like...I would give anything to be with her. But I'm a little young for her. I have to wait a couple of years! [Laughs].

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