Title: Nick and Aaron Join NMMA to Help Popularize Wearing Life Jackets
Orignal-Title: Pop Singers Nick and Aaron Carter Join NMMA to Help Popularize Wearing Life Jackets
Date: January 31, 2003
Topic: News
Source: Press Release
Source: http://www.nmma.org/news/news.asp?id=662&sid=3&bhcp=1
Location: Chicago, IL
Pop singers Nick and Aaron Carter, the heart throbs of the under-20 set, will appear in an upcoming safety video aimed at popularizing the use of life jackets by boaters and anglers.
"We're into helping to save lives," said Nick Carter, 22, who made a huge name for himself with the Backstreet Boys. He and his kid brother, Aaron, 14, took some time in Key West during the recent APBA Offshore World Powerboat Championships (in which Nick's Super Vee Class boat won the World's) to appear in the video being produced by the Personal Flotation Device Manufacturers Association (PFDMA) under a grant from the United States Coast Guard.
"It's only a cameo performance, a short session with the boys talking to each other," but it gets the safety story across to teenagers," said Jim Zons who is co-producing the video with Bob Black for the PFDMA. "The kids are obviously used to working in front of a camera and working fast. They did it in only two takes," veteran cameraman Zons said.
The grant project calls for production of two educational videos, one targeted to consumers, and the other to the boating safety community, including those who retail boating safety equipment.
The project will focus on high risk boating segments such as anglers, children, canoers & kayakers, and other small boat operators," says Bernice McArdle, NMMA Associate Director of Affiliates and project manager for the grant initiative. "This is where most drownings still occur and industry has the highest opportunity to impact behavior."
The Carter boys are the lead-in to the segment of the video that features actions sports--water skiing, wakeboarding and tubing--and underline the importance of wearing life jackets while on the water.
For more information contact McArdle at (312) 946-6280; bmcardle@nmma.org.