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Title: Aaron's lines on Family Affair
Date: February 27, 2003
Source: Aaron Carter Headline News
Topic: Other

Summary: Liam Curtis (Aaron) asks Sissy out on a date. Uncle Bill thinks Sissy is too young for her 1st one-on-one date. Sissy & friends plan to tell him it's a group date. Buffy & Jody overhear Sissy's plan but are sworn to secrecy. The group of friends leave the apartment together, then Liam and Sissy split on their date to a Moroccan restaurant with curtains & pillows. Meanwhile Buffy & Jody slip up and spill the secret to Uncle Bill - they go to get Sissy at the restaurant. But Sissy and Liam had already left because they were uncomfortable with the situation, and they rejoined their friends back at Sissy's apartment for a fun TV party.

Liam's Script (Aaron has 15 lines and is in 4 of 10 scenes):
- - - High School Music Room - - -
Hey, Sissy. Could I talk to you for a second?
Um, You?ve been to the Acting in Shakespeare seminar, right?
Um, I was wonderin' if, uh, maybe I could get your notes from you.
And, um, I was wonderin? if, uh, you were goin? out with anybody right now?
Um, So maybe we could go out sometime.
Alright, um, I?ll call you and we?ll figure out Friday night.
Alright, I?ll see ya.
- - - Sissy?s Apartment Building - - -
Ya, I think I gave people somethin? to think about.
What was it, like, women of the American Revolution!
Turnips, wooden teeth.
- - - The Moroccan Restaurant - - -
I know, that?s like, we're sittin? on pillows. Who thought that up.
I guess you just gotta go with the flow.
I know. It was really cool of all those guys to help us sneak out.
I think Max said they were gonna go hang out in Washington Square Park.
- - - TV Party in the Study of Sissy?s Apartment - - -
(no lines)
(Thx Amanda)

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