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About Us


| Recruitment | Autumn Leaf Festival | Activities | Christmas Date Party |
Valentine's Day Date Party | Parents' Tea | Greek Week | Spring Formal |

Click on picture to enlarge


activitiesday.jpg (265895 bytes) Promoting DZ at Activities Day

bidparty.jpg (209864 bytes) Bid Party for Fall 2001

Autumn Leaf Festival

float2.jpg (30347 bytes) Working on the float with Sigma Tau Gamma

float3.jpg (49300 bytes) The final creation...definitely the "Pinnacle of Success" (too bad the judges didn't think so!)

alfhouse.jpg (266179 bytes) Hanging out at the house after the parade with some alumnae


cedarpoint.jpg (26445 bytes) Working at Cedar Point for the weekend as a fundraiser

pumpkins.jpg (30770 bytes) Making pumpkins at Halloween for the senior citizens' home

concert2.jpg (33766 bytes) Helping out at the Everclear concert

letsmakeadeal.jpg (245858 bytes) Sister Activity - Let's Make a Deal

99THB-~1.jpg (29035 bytes) Celebrating DZ's 99th birthday

social.jpg (202711 bytes) Graffiti social event with Phi Delta Theta Fraternity

Christmas Date Party

formal2.jpg (32698 bytes) Taking a break from dancing!

Valentine's Day Date Party

vdaydayteparty.jpg (197218 bytes) At the house, getting ready to go!

Parents' Tea

ptfall2000.jpg (218534 bytes) Having fun at our annual Parents' Tea

Greek Week

gwformal.jpg (235683 bytes) Formal song "More Than Words" by Extreme

gwfb.jpg (239342 bytes) Our flag football team

Spring Formal

formalhouse.jpg (229676 bytes) At the house

formalsecret.jpg (232473 bytes) What's the big secret, ladies?