Chapter 10

Bridget hung up the phone and went to pour herself another cup of coffee. Just then JC same into the kitchen wearing jeans and a wife beater.
“Pour me a cup?” JC asked pleadingly.
“Sure,” Bridget said.
They took their coffee into the living room and flipped on the TV to a random station. Bridget couldn’t stop staring at JC.
“So, how’s your mom?” JC asked.
“She’s good. A little surprised about ‘us’ though.” Bridget answered.
“Bridge, I’m still a little surprised about ‘us’! Is she ok with it?” he asked.
“Ok with it? Josh, she’s thrilled. I’m surprised she’s not planning the wedding already!” Bridget laughed.
JC laughed. “Well, it’s never too early.” He joked.
“In any event. You know my family loves you.” She said. JC thought back to his 21st birthday. He wasn’t able to get home and he’d spent a wek with Bridget’s family. Mr. Cariac had taken him out for his first legal drink.
“I was thinking about when I spent that week with you over my birthday awhile ago.” JC said.
“Wow, that was right after Paris.” Bridget remembered.
“Yeah, we were on a five day lay over on the way to San Francisco.” JC said. “It was a good week though.”
Bridget nodded in agreement.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you. I called the hotel this morning to let the guys in on ‘us’ and Juatin told me we’re staying another week – till at least next Saturday.” JC said happily.
“Josh, that’s great!” Bridget said.
“I’m glad that makes you happy” he said.
“Of course that makes me happy. I dread when you have to leave again!” Bridget said. Immediately Bridget thought of TRL. She knew they were book solid, but this was *Nsync, they should be able to do something.
“You guys should come on TRL” Bridget said out loud.
“I think we tried to get one, but it was all booked up.” JC said, trying not to be too pushy.
“Josh, if you wanna get on, just ask and I’ll see what I can do” Bridget said smiling.
He really was not a good liar, especially not to her.
“Am I that obvious?” JC asked.
Bridget nodded. “Uh-huh.”
“Sorry. Justin told me to!” JC said, giving her puppy eyes.
Who could resist those eyes. “Oh stop!” Bridget said. “I’ll see what I can do.”
JC smiled. She really was too perfect for him. Kept him on his toes. There were no words to tell her how happy he was.
“Bridge, I love you so much. And the best part is that you’re still my best friend.” JC said.
Bridget smiled. “I love you too, Josh”.
JC leaned in and kissed on the lips. Just then a knock at the door. “Wow, what timing.” JC said, joking.
Bridget stood up and started to walk toward the door. JC grabbed her, spun her around, and kissed he back on the lips.
“Ok, you can go now.” JC said smiling. “But we’ll continue that later?”
“Count on it” Bridget smiled slyly.
Bridget opened the door and to her surprise found Justin waiting outside in the hall.
“Justin! Bridget yelled.
“Justin?” JC yelled from the couch. “What are ya doing here?”

Chapter 11